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    88                                22      1667


    He did neyther shew neyther a Spirit to Humble Hims: for sin

    2. Nor to comply in Love with Gods people,  Nor 3. did

    study to comply wth Church-guides for power. whom Evry

    member should obey , or Convince of sin,


    we should neyther be faythfull to God to and this church to Enter-


    =tayn. such a Contentious Spirit , & Unruly.   2. Nor be

    faythfull to Him , to connive at those Evills in Him, not to

    judge those sins & Scandalls wch he ought to see to be so.

    Que: Is it not justly grievous to tell a person of old faults

       Love Covers & buryes & forgives & forgetts, &c:

    Ans: 1. ‘Tis true that lesse affectionate Repentance should

       be stood for (from men whom he hath offended) for old

    faults then others.

    2. old faults may be & Ought to be mentioned. 1. when

    a Man goes ō still in ye same Spirit of sinne, ‘tis

    Evident , & the person that looks to Convince, hath

    not (it may be) that wch he may so Easily be con=


    =vinced by to alledge as those.


    2 when ‘tis to be feard that he Never Repented of ys

    sins . But is Ready to justify them , & so to pollute

    others , & wrong his own soule.


    3 when as old sinnes are very grossely heynous

    most observable by others , if others unprjudiced have

    necessarily a Remembrance of ym, the man Himself

    ought to be Remembred of them. / And god hath

    suffered to fall into them for yr Humbling

    July: 68 Jonathan Plats after ye death of my dear br Mr Shepard[84] came to

    me to confirr about those things wherby he was hindered from bringing

    his children –– but he was soe farr from acknowledging his Evill

    in those two things (for I named noe more to him), his bringing his childn

    in such as manner as before mentioned & his turning his back upō

    a day of thanksgiving kept by the Towne, that he added more of

    fence by Jeering me as if I & Abraham Jewet had a great deal

    of silly discourse together in my parlour; & wn I desired some should

    heer matter between us he refused

    About ys time he grew willing his wife should bring his children

    which he had some years hindred, & propounding her desire to ye

    Church (for she came to me to desire it) but yr was objection made

    1 That she was noe member here & yrfore desired she would joyne in full


      Answ: she was in an Implied way having lived heer from her child

    hood & willing Explicitely to enter into covenant soe farr as in ye

    5 propositions required tho afrayd to come to the lords supper


    2 yr were objectnl offences in slandering fayth Parrot[85] by some

    [84] Rowley’s assistant pastor Samuel Shepard had died on April 7, 1668.

    [85] She is not further identified, but perhaps she was related to Francis Parrat, who was ordained a deacon c. 1656 but removed from Rowley nearly immediately; or to “Elizabeth Jenney, alias Parrot,” mentioned in Rogers’ will as his “sometime servant,” to whom he gave ten pounds (Gage, The History of Rowley [1840], 61).