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is better satisfied about his Conduct.
Voted also that Thos Lancaster and Natha-
niel Mighil go to Leonard Cooper, and en-
quire of him the Reasons of his absenting him-
self from the publick Worship of the Chh. so
much as he has done.
Oct. 24, 1762. Mary Brown wife of Fran
cis appeard before the Congregation confessd
her Sin of Fornication and was forgiven
by the Church ––––––––––
July 3. 1763. Elisabeth Mighil wife of Natha
nael appeared in the Congregation confessed her
Sin of drinking often to excess, related re=
markable passages between God & her Soul,
and was forgiven by the Chh.
Aug. 7. 1763 David Hammond junr, app-
eared before the Congregation confessed his
Sin, and was forgiven and restored –––––
At a Chh meeting held Oct. 1. 1763.
to the Brethren
The Question was put Whether they were
Satisfied with what their Brother Eben Hidden
had in way of Satisfaction offered to the Pastor
and by him communicated to the Chh. for Sd
Hiddens Conduct On the Lords Day Sep. 11. 1763
and it passed in the Negative