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upon it as a bold presumptious unwarantable act : To Imitate Xst in putting his
finger into his eare, & giving a comand Epatha be opened, in the name of the lord Je
-sus pretending a revelation many years sinc that he should doe it: now untill he
make out an Immediate & Extraordinary call as the Apostles had to doe such works
we cannot but testify against it as very sinfull & not to be countenanced, ther was an
alteration (as was reported) many months (as to his deafness) before Mr Nelson soe acted
about him Dr Haller told his parents many years since that when the youth came
to such years, as he hath now attained to, ther would in an ordinary way be some
alteration as to his deafness & accordingly it came to pass soe that his mother told
some that she could not tell whether the hearing that [-] he hath came to him
before Mr Nelsons attempt, or after
Moreover it was too like uncharitable arrogancy to attribute that hearing God had
bestowed on ye youth, to his prayers, more then to the prayers of gods pp in this place
soe to doe is very unlike that Spirit that hath appeared In Gods holy ones 2 dan 30
Besides scriptural charity hath the less ground to beleev Mr Nelsons prevalency
with God in prayer for ys cure (If anything be done) when we consider his vile cariage
presently after 1 cor 13. 1. 2.
7 As to his going to the Sacramt at Ipswich we cannot but still testify against it as
a bold presumptious sin contrary to many Scriptures 7 levit 20 5 Math 23. 18 Math
6. Rom 14 20 21 . If thou rememberest that thy brother &c. It was not onely a
brother, but several Brethren that had bin dealing with him for offences given by
him: he knew how offensive his speeches to Br Leaver were, and for carrying his Br.
to the court he was blamed by the magistrates as alsoe for the speech : The Sacramt also
was put by for many months by his means, In the mean time whilst we were pre
paring matters as fast as we could for the Church, he then goes to yt ordinance, when
we told him of this his answer to the church was he would doe it again.
These things considered we cannot submitt to that harsh censure of being vain
surmisers in reference to his actings about the deaf youth & his going to the Sacra
mt, which we are not convinced off nor hath ther bin any pains taken with us
that we might soe be
It is alsoe uncomfortable to us that the Church should be tearmed Mr Nelsons
opposers for dealing with him for Sin, a compellation that we meet not with in
scripture nor in any of our writers when they speak of a church of God
That these things should be accounted infirmityes & comon faylings we want light
from the Word to bring us to be of that mind : If we consider how his tongue
hath bin set on fire, The Scripture gives a sadder aninmadversion upon such a tongue
then comon infirmityes, Solomon sayth that life & death are in the power of ye
tongue, prov 16 21 & a greater then Solomon hath sayd that by our words we shall
be justified, & by our words condemned, & James tells us that he that seemeth religi
ous & bridleth not &c.[95]
But we cannot think that Rayling wch ye Apostle ranks amongst horrid crimes
is intended by you when you speak of comon faylings & infirmityes, nor his pro
phaning gods name in prayer or otherwise. –––
That ther was noe previous admonition we still know of noe omission of duty
therin, ther had bin long patience & noe little paines taken with him in
private, & publick, & we may Query whether it was not a virtual admonition ye
putting of the celebrating the Lords Supper for many months by occasion of the
offences given by him to many : Besides this 3 times in publick his Scandelous
Evills were layd before him, & noe repentance showne, but the contrary both in
word & gesture, nor did he once desire any farther time to bethink himself
The nature of the offences was such (together with Impenitancy) as we still
beleeve they called for the highest censure, some of the Scandelous Evills he
was censured for are condemned by the light of nature as might be showen out
of [illeg.] aristotle Seneca, [illeg.] Plagam
[95] Matt. 12:37, Jas. 1:26.