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    Lords Supper in the Second Chh. in Bradford, and

    That Nathan Barker Aquila Jewet George Jewet and

    John Pearson be chosen a Committee to prepare Sd Letters.

    the Question also was put whether it is matter offence

          Chh                occasionally

    to this for any of its Members to partake of the Lords

          ^                     ^

    Supper with the Chh. Society under ye at Newbury under

    the Pastoral Care of the Revd Mr Jonathan Parsons and

    it passed in the Negative

      at the Same Meeting This Question also was put

    whether this Chh. does Esteem it a disorderly thing for

    any of its Members publickly to object against a

    regular Pastor of a Chh. in Communion With us occa-

    sionally administring Baptism unto an Infant that

    may be brought for it, and is entitled to it, when

    their own Pastor is Absent and it passed in the

         affirmative ––––––


    At a meeting of the Brethren of the first Church in

    Rowley held Oct. 24. 1748. the Question was put whether

    they were offended with their Brother John Hobson Esq.r

    for his saying the Meeting House in the first Parish

    in Rowley on Oct. 5. 1748. That the Doctrine of

    Election as preached by the Revd Mr Jedidiah Jewet

    is Non-Sense and Because in explaining himslef upon

    the Matter of his Said assertion Sd Hobson further

    said to Sd Jewet, That you preach That there is a certain

    Number elected, and another Number are passed over

    and if it be so says Sd Hobson the Consequence is, That

    man does act Necessarily. and it passed in ye affirmative.

    at the same Meeting this Question was put Whether

    they were offended with their Brother John Hobson Esqr for his

    saying in the present Meeting, That it is his Opinion that