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    ffeet, how much now ought I to wash the meanest disciples feet, much more the

    feet of my fellow labourer: It is my duty & it is my desire to learn of Christ who is

    meek & lowly of heart, & I desire your prayers yt yr may be such a heart in me, & yt God

    would keep it forever in my heart soe to doe, & would prepare my heart unto himself: −


    Notwthstanding these objections they advised me to accept of the churches call, & in publick

    before Mr Paisons ordination did declare their iudgmt as well as ye churches desire to yt

    great assembly, & the church Exprest yr desire by an unanimous vote, & none of ye assembly

    objected though it was put to ye assembly to object If any had any objection to make

    It was then put to me by Revrend Mr Hubbard whether I did accept of yt office ye church cald me to

    I Answered as followes

    The churches motion to me to take on me the denomination of a pastor, has with some awe & scruple

    bin entertayned in my thoughts : My heart has sayd not my will nor ye churches will, but Gods will

    be done, as may be most for his glory, & ye benifitt of ye soules of his pp

    now we haveing noe better way to know Gods mind in ys case then by advise of ye Reverend Elders

    and respected messengers of ye churches we sent to, that we might have yr counsell & direction as ye

    matter might Require; they have (notwithstanding what I layd before them as matter of objection)

    concurred with ye church in their desire

    I doe not know any Temptation I can have as to any preheminence by ys chang (If I had I should

    not have yeilded to what is desired & advised) Ther being as is generally held, noe difference in yt

    respect in ye offices considered simply in themselves, If pastor be first mentioned in order 9th ch; ye

    Teacher is first named 12 Rom 7. & or great shepard ye Lord Jesus ys stiled a Teacher sent from

    God 3 John onely yr is a difference as to ye special use or end of ye offices : The one being more es

    pecially to enlighten ye mind & judgmt doctrinally The other to insist more upon application for work

    =ing upon the will & affections: & both according to ye various gifts of ye same spirit

    ffor my self, I may say in some measure with ye prophet Jer[133] I have not hasted from following

    the lord in ye office he soe long since called me too, & throw his free mercy & much long Suffe

    rance has continued me soe long in: I have cause to be ashamed to mention how long I have

    bin an unworthy Teacher In Israel, when I consider how little good I have done, & how ignorant

    I am (as yt Teacher in Israel was) of Christ & ye great misteryes of ye gospel : And could yrfore

    have bin freely content to have spent ye few dayse yt remaine in yt office in hopes yt by gods


    grace & ye help of your prayers I might have gott some aptness to teach both by word & deed


    then I have yet attained to.

    I hope I shall obtain ye pitty & prayers of the church, & of all gods pp about us, that ye lord Jesus

    in whom are had all ye treasures of wisdom & knowledg; That he would give me an understanding


    to know ye duty that he calls me to, & ability to attend therto for wthout him I can doe nothing.

    I shall say noe more But that I am your servant (most Especially in ys place) for Jesus sake & allso

    to all Gods pp as I have oppertunity, & as God shall inable.

    And then hands were imposed (upon ye churches desire) by the Revrend Elders Mr Cobbett Mr Hubbart

    Mr Moodey with prayer & a Solemn charg wch ye lord grant me very faithfully to attend.

    Then the ordination of my Revrend brother Mr Edward Paison was carried on as on pages

    52 53 . onely that of 1 Tim 5 21 was added in ye charg

    onely before Imposition of hands It was Sayd to ye assembly

    The lord Jesus having soe farr favoured us, as to vouchsafe to us (as well as to his several flocks In

    =habiting this wilderness) that precious fruit of Christ affection, even to thrust forth an other fayth

    =full labourer into his harvest in this place, we desire to acknowledge with all thankfullness this great

    Coronation gift from or God In Xst Jesus

    And soe it is that after suffitient time of tryall ye mutuall acquaintance between the Revered Mr Paison

    & gods pp in this place, the matter is come unto this hoped for & desired issue - that ye church (none

    in ye Town dissenting but well approoving & incourageing) has chosen him to ye office of a Teacher, &

    he has bin inclined by ye God of ye Spirits of all flesh to accept of ye sayd office relation amongst



    It now remayns to inquire of you my brethren in this church whether you continue of ye same


    mind as has already bin manifested by you to chose my Reverend brother Mr Edw Paison to ye office

    of a Teacher I shall take your silence at present for consent therto.

    Then it was propounded to ye Reverend Elders & respected messengers of ye churches we sent to (wch were

    Ipswich Newberry Haveral Wenham Portsmouth Hampton Dover) or any others in ye whole

    assembly that had any thing to object that might rightly hinder from proceeding to ye ordination of Mr

    Paison in ye office of a Teacher they had liberty to Express themselves & hear yr churches mind


    [133] I.e., Jeremiah.