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publick Worship, and make Return to the Chh in
Six Week’s Time Likewise it was voted
That Capt. Mighil and Jeremiah Ellsworth should go to
Nathan Woodberry and Dr Eliphalet Kilborn and
enquire of them the Reason of their neglecting to
attend the publick Worship, and make Return to the
Chh. in Six Weeks Time –– ––
Also voted that Messieurs Aquila Jewet and
John Pearson should go to Samuel Daty and his Wife
and enquire Whether they attend the publick Worship
and also enquire of them the Reason of their neglect
in to attend the Sacrament of the Lords Supper ––
and make Return to the Chh. in Six Weeks Time.
At a meeting of the Chh. May 1. 1751. Voted
That the Chh. is Satisfied With the Committee
Report from Samuel Daty and his Wife and
the Meeting was adjourned till the first Wednesday
in June at 4. o’ ye Clock p.m.
N.B. At the Meeting of the Church Feb. 13. 1750
It was proposed, by a Committee from the Chh. to treat with
James Hidden and enquire the reason of this absenting himself
from the Communion of the Church in the Word & Sacrament of
the Lords Supper, and He being present, said, he would give the
reason, which was to this Effect that he was dissatisfied with
the Church about the Censure they had formerly passed upon him
At the Warning given for the meeting to be held May 1. 1751.
one thing proposed to be Done at Sd meeting was, to consider
what the Church ought to do with respect to James Hidden a
Brother of the Church, Three things with respect to Sd Hidden