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[MS dam.] son Joseph April 19
[MS dam.]daughter Elizabeth May 4.
John Spaford daughter Martha
June 15.
Stephen Peirson son Stephen
Moses Bradstreet son Samuel
July 3.
Samuel Dresser son Jeremiah
Francis Palmer son John dead July 10
William Duty son William July 31
Mrs Bennet son Nathan
Augst 14
Br Joseph Jewett daughter Priscilla
Benjamin Parson daughter Ruth
Augst 28
Caleb Brocebanck son Ebenezer
Samuel Kilborn son Samuel Sept. 4
Josiah Wood son Joseph Sept 12
Mr Payson daughter Mary Septr 24
Mr Tho Crosby of Hampton son Anthony Novembr 20
Br Joseph Bointon son Hilkiah
Benjamin Scott son Benjamin Novemb 27
Isaack Kilborn daughter Martha
Goodm Center Br Tods son in law daught Eleaner Decemb 11
Samuel Bointon son Samuel Jany 8.
Mr Neh Jewett daughter Mehetabel
ffeb. 5.
Br Samuel Spafford daughter Ruth
Good Plummer [illeg.] daughter Abigail ffeb 26.
John Hopkinson daughter Ann
James Bayly daughter Elizabeth March 1
Samuel Pickard son Samuel
Colen Fracier son John April 1.
Joseph Scott Taylors son Ebenezer April 15.
John Tod junior son John April
[illeg.] daughter Hannah April
[MS dam.][11]
[col. 2]
[MS dam.][12]
Doctor Canada son Stephen
Nathaniel Brown son Nathaniel June 24.
Thomas Wood son Nehemiah
Anthony Bennitt daughter Rebeckah July 15.
John Brown daughter Abigail
Edward Hasen son Edward July 22.
Tho: Nelson junior son Thomas August 19.
John Jackson daughter Sarah
Septembr [illeg.]
Jonathan Jackson daughter Mary
Br Samuel Brokklebank dau Sarah Septembr 9
Br Bennit daughter Sarah Septembr 10
Benjamin Plummer son Stephen
Timothy Harris daughter Sarah Septembr 30
goodm West daughter Elizabeth
Br Dickenson daughter Rebecah November 4.
son Greenho daughter Elizabeth Decemb 2.
James Tenny daughter Abigail Decemb 16.
Captain Nelson daughter Lucie
Nathaniel Heath son Edward Febr 10.
Joseph Jewitt Junior daughter Sarah
Thomas Palmer son John Febr 17.
1689 1689
Br Clark son Ebenezer
Samuel Bointon son Samuel March 3
Mikell Creasy son Mi[chael][13]
Samuel Ayres son Stephen March 17.
Br Samuel Plats daughter Bethiah March 26
Br John Payson junr daughter Hepzibah
April 4
[illeg.] daughter Abigail
William Doty daughter Sarah April 4
Moses Brodstreet daughter Elisabeth April [illeg.]
Joseph Plummer son Moses
May [illeg.]
John [illeg.] daughter Elizabeth
[MS dam.][14]
[11] At least three lines at bottom of page either illegible or missing.
[12] At least one line at top lost due to MS damagge.
[13] Conjecture where there is a hole in the MS.
[14] At least three lines at bottom of page either illegible or missing.