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    130              195                1684   1687


    Septemb 22 84 Letters of dismission sent to Mr Tho: Mighel upon ye desire

    of the church on ye North River in Sittuate in order to his ioyning with that

    Church, & being ordained their officer

    Letters of dismission sent to Salem for Mrs Hannah Babbadge June 6 1687


    Br Robert Swan complained of by the church of Haverhill for raysing Expressions against

    Leutenant Brown which he acknowledged his fault in soe as the church took satisfacti

    on upon sd acknowledgmt though not upon ye first


    Br Caleb Barebank carryed it sinfully to his wife (a meeke discreet & godly woman) telling

    her that she might goe with great belly to Samuel Palmer, he had as much to doe to look

    after it as he, & would not have it Baptized except he brought it himself, he would never own

    it, & sayd It should not be baptized till he knew who was the father of it by such expressions

    intimating that he lookt upon his wife as a whore & his children Bastards, he acknowledged his

    Evill carriages before us both but yet afterward went on in his abusive speeches to his wife

    Those things were reported & known in ye Town to ye offence of many soe that we could not ad

    vise him to come to ye sacramt but rather to abstain untill god gave him a heart publickly to ac

    =knowledg his sinfull carriage to his wife;

    The reason why we were not hasty to bring him forth before ye church was because I did apprehend

    that he was somthing crazd in his understanding wch I am ye more confirmed in by what

    his mother lately related to me That being in bed he rose up & went to his mothers bed side &

    told her that he had gone to bed without family dutyes wch was not soe & yt his bed was much

    wett wch alsoe was nothing soe.


    Hannah Strong sometimes the wife of Joseph Trumble, & daughter to Mr Smith now

    wife of Goodm: Strong dismissed to the church of Xst at Winsor novemb 1, 1687.


    Ann Pengrew, Daughter of Jno Pickard, now ye Wife of

    Aaron Pengrew, was Dismissed to ye church of Christ at

    Ipswich – octobr 20. 1689[138]

    Caleb Barebank acknowledged his Evill words & carriage to his wife novemb 10 1689 &

    soe stood the sacramt              ___________

    Br Abel L Patts                    septemb 7 1690

    Br Caleb Bointon was Admonished for scandelous evils for his often being drunk as

    was prooved fully against him and alsoe for unclean behaviour towards widdow Acin[139] testifyed

    by widdow Colbys daugher upon oath before Authority

    Caleb Bointon Excomunicated March 26 1693 for being a common Drunkard & incor

    rigable therin through about 2 years & a half under admonition: we hearing of his fre

    =quent being drunk were about to cast him out but he intreated the church to to forbear

    for a month because his wife was near her time the church had patience toward above

    2 months and betime he was 3 times grossly drunk.


    Francis Jewitt dismissed to the church of Christ at Bradford June 19 1692 | July 30:93

     goodwife Andrewes Br Dickenson daughter dismissed to the church of Xst at Topsfield


    Caleb[140] Bointon on his death=Bed seem’d somewt penetent sent

    a Paper to ye chh ye most of which had bin written long before so long


    that it was evident he had bin guilty of many such like pranks for


    which he was Excomunicated after he wrote yt paper. ye chh did not

    see cause to release him from his Censur; but Improved 3 brethren to him

    viz Deacon Jewit, Mr Neh. Jewet; Lieut. Dresser, to see if yy could get any

    further satisfaction from him; they went, but gott little; his sickness

    Increased, & death prevented any farther dealings with him.


    [138] This entry was written by Payson.

    [139] Conjectural reading. 

    [140] From this point, entries are all written by Payson, unless otherwise indicated.