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112) 178 1678
The Brethren doe decline the advise of the council, & therby continue
and propegate the dissention amongst them, & wave the next way to re
=ceive satisfaction, & their own peac, which we doe heartily lament, & wherof
we doe heerby forewarn them, & shall give an account of our transactions in the mat
=ter to our churches & what opposition we have mett with therin
And we farther solemnly declare unto them, that if they shall still resist in
opposition to the means that have bin offered to them, & used with them for ye
healing their breaches, we have just cause to fear that they will debarr ymselves
from comunion with their neighbour churches, who may alsoe (soe farr as we
know) hold communion with that offending, but confessing brother, whom they
seem to be irreconcileably set against.
Rowley ffeb 26. 1678 Daniel Denison
John Ward
William Perkins Tho: Cobbett
Moses Pengry Jer: Hubbard
Samuel Dolton Seaborn Cotton
Nicholas Noyes John Richardson
Tho: Perkins
Caleb Moodey
An Answer to the 2d result of the late Reverend Elders & respected
messengers of the 5 churches which they left with us (haveing first published
it before the Church & Town) at their dissolving at which Time the major Gen.
declared that their members absent wher of the same mind with themselves
The last result as it is dated from the 10th of Decemb 1678, soe it is
for substance the same with the foremar, onely ther are some more faults
found with the church, & new ones that they comitted sinc the councills first
coming, besides several overlooked, and alsoe withdrawing comunion threat
=ned, & reception of our Excommunicate
Its sayd out of tenderness to the churches credit and peace you waved yt
particular strickness in takeing notice of several irregularityes of the
Church in their proceeding with Mr Nelson.
We would gladly have had your help to shew us all our irregularityes, several
of which (as you publickly declare) you waved out of tenderness to the churches
credit, but we conceive it had bin better farr to have told us what they are
then to tell the countrey ther were several of them, & that before you give
us any hint what they are, or any oppertunity to answer for our selves:
It is not as we apprehend either for our comfort or credit, that several
breaches of Rule (for noe less several irregularityes import) shuld be imputed
to is & yet not told us what they are, that soe we might clear ourselves
if truely we could, or els acknowledg our irregularityes, thise this seems to us
to be a tenderness with a contradiction:
And we beseech you to consider, what tenderness to the churches credit was
ther in reading Mr Nelsons paper of fals apsersions upon the church, before
Towne & countrey: Receive not an accusation &c.[101] much less publish it
That ther was a waveing that particular strickness in takeing notice of
several Evills in Mr Nelson, the church cannot but be sencible, and have (as we
conceive) fully demonstrated it to be soe in our grounds why we can not sit ye
councills result
Wheras they declared that we sent a paper of complaints against the council
[101] I Tim. 5:19.