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The next 2d day after Mr Watson had taken ye knif Br Wood & John Stickney
going to Ipswich John watson overtook them (being bound for Salem) & upon
some reports Br Wood heerd yt John watson should say he had bought a knif at
{6 mr wainwrights for 6d & his tobacco tongs of wch ther were two wittness John
Stickney telling him of it, he sayd it was not true he had noe knif of ye merchant,
7 but onely a black hasted[1] knife yt he bought of mark Quilter which was another
8 ly for mark sayth he bought none of him
Br Wood coming home from Ipswich on ye 4 day at night on ye next morning
(having heard ye night before many truths about ye knife as he feared) be took
oppertunity to speak to him & told him that he feared he taken away that knif frō
the marchant, & advised him to restore it & to make noe more lyes about his
9. answer was yt he had it not but was as clear from takeing the knif as Br Wood
was or as yt ry[2] they stood by this he sayd before Br Wood & his wife
Br Wood hearing that he had a good knif at Br Primes he askt him how he
came by it or what knif it was, he answerd yt it was none of marchant wain
(10 wrights but it was goodwife Jameses but upon inquiry of Br primes Son & man
it was found falls
After yt Br Wood whent to John watson & desired him yt he would confess the truth
for certainly you have ye knif, if you doe not confess it, it will be prooved he
11 told him yt he was as clear of it as he was, & sayd Br wood was longer at ye
merchants yn he & might as well taken it as he
Upon this Br wood went to deacon Tenny & to Br Bayly Senior & desiered ym
12 to goe with him to deal wth John Watson, when they came to him he denied it
3 or 4 times & sayd he was clear of it as Br wood
The Deacon asking him wher yt knif was he sayd he had bought at Mr Wain
-wrights, he answered must I show Every knif I have, shortly I shall be called to an
account for Every thing, I have had a sith this two yeares shortly somebody will
call me to an account for yt: If I should confess I have ye knif & ye mar
chants family should afterwards find it, then I should wrong my self: The
Deacon answered you may get yt knife convayed thither soe as they may find
it & yet your sin noe less
But afterward upon farther discourse he confessed that he had taken it, & sayd he was sorry yt
God should leave him to doe such evill & desired prayers
About the Tobacco conserning wch he had told a ly to mark Quilter: he afterward at
Rowley after a Conference meeting, wherin he had bin at prayer, when meeting was
done he desired Goodm: Northen to goe home with him & he would give him some To
-bacco: Ezekiel northen sayd why should you give me Tobacco, his answer was
13 marchant wainwright has given me 20 pounds of Tobacco: Goodm: Northen
wondering the marchant should be soe kind, he told him it was because of his
long sickness
14 He solld some of ys Tobacco to Br Prime a penny pound cheaper then it cost him &
told Br Prime that ye marchant gave him 20 pounds of Tobacco.
15 He alsoe told Mr Tho: Nelson that ye marchant wainwright had given him 20 pounds
of Tobacco
16. he reported that yr were 10 maydens in Newberry with child & yy were presented
to Ipswich Court 3 of Samuel Plummers Daughters are wth Bastard sayd he & 2
of Coffins daughters are wth Bastard & one of Captain Gerish Daughters is wth
Bastard & one of woodmans daughters is wth Bastard: Beriah Brown & goodm:
James gave in their testimony of ys
17 he reported of Bro Brown that he had stolen his thatch & yt James Crocker
saw him carry it away
18 he told Robert Shilato that his wife milkt 7 cowes & made 20 pound of butter a
week wheras she
[1] Possibly a variant of “hastal,” meaning spear-shaped.
[2] I.e., “rye”? Possibly the discussion was taking place beside a field of rye.