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x Ans: / Bro: Wood might have playnly told & Nehemiah & not have cont-
wh appears not
=inued that wch was injuris to Nehemiah Mr Phillips But 2. it playn
=ly appeares that that hath not bin Bro: Woods Spirit. ffor 1 He goes
not about to Recover any dammage of Nehemiah but putts Mr
phillips upō haste to come to tearmes &c.: or also he shall not ––––
2. He offers to compound wth Mr phillips, by wch act he doth
Let Nehemiah escape, he can not recover dammages of Nehemiah if
he give mr Phillips ye Land on any tearms , ffor he Him Self alters
ye Case from what it was &c: Other hot words passt, I sayd
they were as guilty as Hims: and I must say that as unfitt for
to Come to ye Sacrament as he was; if moderately they would dis-
=course & be free to Rec: further Light in Love I could partake
wth them. They had at first desired the Sacrament
might be deferred, saying, the whole Town allmost were in a brisle
about it: Upon Speech wth mr P:s ye next morning, we concluded
not to to divert ye Sacramt. not knowing but yr was a pollicy
of Satan in it to Scandalize ye Church as if yy were divided
& unfit for Communiō; when it may be ye Report of ye Brethre
might be Hyperbolicall. 2. To Countenance ye seemingly unjust
Cause of Bro: Wood, as if it had more patrons, & yy were lesse
Evill in it self, then it had or seemed to have had . 3. It was
an uniting ordinance to ye worthy Receivrs; if any did wthdraw, yr
own sin had caused that, for wch others should not suffer.
Sept. 11 (67) It was brought before the church, betw: wch & ye formr Agitations Bro:
Wood, the fence betw: Mr phillips & Him was pulld down, wch he
sayd he knew not of before ‘twas done, but being done approved it
At this Meeting. Mr phillips related as formerly & added ye abuse of ye
Ordinance of Magistracy [not to live honestly But] to colour his Injustice.
I Tim. 3. 1.2. / Most of what was sayd betw: Brethren privately
ut Suprà. was agayn urged And answered as before And moreover
ys thing added in Defence. Obj: 1. Bro: Wood did not get the Deed
as Nehemiah confirmed. ‘twas Nehemiahs act, Bro: Wood passive, wisht
it ner had bin done? if Nehemiah will confirme it, it is not in his power
to hinder it! Ans: Bro: Wood 1. he doth now impres should manifest
a willingn: to Resigne yt wch he knowes is Mr phillips his own
that is in his powr when he hath it but he doth not, he keepes
what is not his own; So yt after actings doe manifest that He
was active in taking. i.e. did Consent out saltem post factum[75]
(Now a man ought not to consent. Psal. 50. wh Eph. 5.11. /
2. Obj: / Mr Phillips neglected a Duty of getting Land Recorded &c. accord
=ing to Law & that is an ordinance of God & all ye Inconvenience
that comes by that meanes he must beare. if a man buoy his an
=chor all ships yt are struck upon it is yr own fault. & dammage
if no buoy it lyes on Him that layd the Anchor. &c:
[75] “At least after it happened.”