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    48)          114          1673.


    These did all show dislike at his carriage & did shun coming near him

    alone but yet are not wholly faultless in that they kept thes things so

    long secret not discovering his doings to parents that he might sooner

    have bin delt with, or if parents did know it blames them yt they did

    not Deal wth him according to rule: The first discovery was by Mr Nelson

    because of his wanton unclean behaviour towards his mayd Marjery

        his carriage to whom is as followeth

    1 She went to Samuel Mighells house on an errant, & his wife going into

    the Chamber he sat down by ye sayd Marjery & kist her many times

    2 When her mistress Sent her into ye barn for Eggs (Br Mighel being

    ther viz in Mr Nelsons barn to thresh corn which he had layd in

    there for want of a barn of his own) When she slid doan of ye Roof

    he would catch her in his armes & kiss her & set her down thus he

    did 3 or 4 times calling her his pretty love & sweet duck

    3 On the Sabbath Day night Mr Nelson being gone to bed & Mrs Nelson

    & Goodwife Mighel (thus offendours wife) were gone out to see dodor[8] Bennet

    who was then ill, In the Mean while he kist ye sayd Marjery very

    often & set her on his lap, offering to pul her hand to his nakedness

    & did put his hand under her Apron.

    4 he came by one night & desired ye sayd Marjery to meet him in

    her masters orchard 2 nights after when her master was gone to bed

    But the next night to this he came to ye mayd as she was willing

    & desired her to meet him in ye orchard a night later then was ap

    pointed between, she answered she could not tell but she might, but

    when the night was come she was afrayd to goe out at ye door though

    she was much called upon by her Master & ye nurs to carry the

    puppy to ye barn he made such a noise in ye house, but she told the nurs

    that if She knew as much as she did, she would not soe cry her

    to goe out: Afterward ye sayd Marjery a girl about  years old opend

    the door & threw ye puppy out & she then saw Samuel Mighel

    waighting at the house end, and after this Samuel Mighel told the

    girl that he was ther when she threw out ye whelp & askt her

    why she did not come to him, she told him she had other business

    to attend or something els to doe. _____

    5 He came for his wife one night (who came to se Mrs Nelson) &

    was very angry with her blameing her much yt she was ther so

    late & came home noe sooner, Oh sinfull anger & guile like Judahs

    he minded not how late he had bin often out to serve his lust & was

    troubled his wife was now in ye way wher he had sich a filthy designe to

    prosecute: Marjery going out to milk a wild heifer desired Mary

    Nelson to help hold her but Samuel Mighel presented his help to

    hold the cow, but before he would take hold on ye beast he like a

    beast took hold on ye girl & desired her to goe into ye barn with

    him, but she refused afterward he was very urgent that she would goe

    with him into ye hovell, but she refused to goe into Either place telling

    him yt her Master would come by & by wth his hors to set him up in

    the hovell & then he would se them: upon this as she was going

    towards Mr Tho: Nelson to milk ye cow (for she was gone thither

    [8] I.e., “daughter”?