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    Restored & comforted: & for your selves that grace & peace from God our

    father & ye lord Jesus Xst may be multiplied: In whom (craving continuall In

    =terest in your prayers) we Rest your brethren & servants in ye fayth & fellowship

    of ye gospell

                              Nathaniel Collins  John Hall

                              Nathanial White}   William Harrian

                              Samuel Stocker     Daniel Harrian

    Revrend & dear Sr: I have not to ad but to informe you yt ye premises are not a

    ch: act onely a subscription by some I desired to meet at my home for yt end: And yt

    besides those known to your self amongst us: The rest of ye subscribers are our comis

    sioners with ye two Deacons hands; men of approved fidelity among us, who fully &

    freely subscribe the premises                     yours N: Collins.


    The Church was stayd upon the Lords day at noon 6 Septemb (74) to hear the

    letter from Middletown and to heer more breifly Goodm Millers acknowledgmt

    which he made wth some broakenness iudging himself for the great evills that he had com

    mitted . an account of which we give in the following letter together wth his dismission to

    The Church of Xst at Middletown

      Reverend beloved in ye Lord & saviour Jesus Xst The Church of Christ at Middle

      Towne grace & peac be multiplied to you

    By these you may be pleased to understand That Tho: Miller who for soe many years

    has bin under yt awfull sentence of excomunication out of ye church of Xst at Rowley

    is now received into brotherly relation with the sayd church, their acceptance of him

    being manifested by a full & unanimous vote

    His confession of his great Evills was something weak & confused yet soe farr as we

    could judg sincere & hearty; he has in those particulars wherin he foremerly fell

    Short Shoun some measure of true Repentance soe farr as we can iudg

    He has acknowledged his Evill in rending away from this church against counsell

    and that he went away not contented wth what accommodations he had heer to seek in

    largements in worldly matters which he fears his heart was then more upon then

    things not seen

    And that after his setling in those parts wher he now has his dwelling he minded little

    Els but Eerthly things, was unwatchfull, regardless of gods word, which had he kept god

    would have kept him in all houres of temptation

    Having thus forsaken god; The lord (as he did Express with tears) forsook him, so

    that he fell into foul iniquity, which sometimes he could not have beleeved (if it had

    bin told him) he should ever have comitted, but God heerby had showne him something

    more of ye evill of his corrupt nature then Ever he discerned before

    Upon the consideration also of his carriage to his foremer wife, he has acknowledg’d

    that he sined greviously filling her heart with much greif to the shortning of her

    life as may be justly feared; & as he had desired her pardon (& obtayned it) soe he begd

    prayers that God would pardon his breach of ye 6 comand as well as of other comands

    violated by him

    He acknowledged yt upon the consideration of all those great evills of his & those scrip

    tures wch some faythfull Christians did put him in mind of viz 2 Prov 19. & 22 14


    he had fears both that ther never was a thorow work upon his heart & that yr


    was noe hope for him, but the lord was pleased to hint to him that 89 Ps That
