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    60)               126              1674


    Though he visit wth ye rod yet his lovingkindness he would not utterly take from them

    And the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanses us from all sin, alsoe what he heard at

    home in ye ministry concerning the lords willingness to meet wth & show mercy to

    a poor prodigall upon his return by repentance : He further exprest his desire whilst

    he had a day to live to bear it upon his hand had wth greaf his grevious revolting from

    God & ye great dishonour he had therby brought to Gods holy name, alsoe the bad exam

    =ple he had given to young ones whom he had sometimes warned against such evil,

    upon these acknowledgements as alsoe from your letters testimoniall concerning his Xsti

    an conversation & humble acknoweldgmt of his offences to your selves we were incou


    raged to receive him into memberly relation with ; & understanding by your letters

    that if he had letters of dismission from us you knew nothing in his conversation sinc his

    Excomunication, to impeed his reception wth your selves

    Our Brother Miller having therfore desired letters of dismission from us to you the

    Church did by their unanimous vote express their consent to grant his desier; soe

    that if you shall accordingly proceed to receive him, we doe resigne & dismiss him

                                   & praying

    to your holy fellowship, hopeing that ye lord will inable him the rest of his time to shew


    forth ye life & Efficacy of fayth which purifies the heart, & to bring forth those good fruits

    that are meet for repentance

    Thus desiring ye lords presence wth you according to that precious name he hath put up

    on you 48 Ezeck ult[23] & yt his kingdom may be increased in & amongst you, desiring

    the continuance of your prayers to God for us we comitt this our restored brother

    wth you all & ourselves to him who is our lord & yours in whom we are


            Yor loving brethren in ye fayth & fellowship of the Gospell

    Rowley 7 of Septemb:                               Samuel Phillips

    1674                                        Maximilian Jewitt

                                                 Samuel Brottlebank

                                                 William Tenny

    Septemb 30 1674 Thomas Lambert ioyned in full comunion wth ye church

     of Christ in Rowley at the same Time John Watson did make some

    acknowledgemt of his sins for which he was cast out of the church but not

    to Satisfaction, but his readmission was deferred that God should be pleased

    farther to prepare him . –

    Octob 4 1674 Sacramt day & before ye Sacramt Samuel Mighell was

    readmitted & did make humble acknowledgmt of his great Sins of wanton

    ness & folly in his unclean carriages.

    Novemb 22 1674 Br Remington though for his Impenitency he was put by the Sacramt

    for most of a year he did then presumptiously come to ye sacramt without asking the

    consent of minister or church tho he knew a great part of ye church was offended with

    him, breaking that Rule if thou remembrest thy brother has ought against thee &c.

    I did not se him at ye sacramt but some brethren did to yr great greif he did yrby

                                   not have wanted to

    make sad those whom the lord would have sadded

    Novemb 29 . 74 I desired of the church either that we might have a church meet

    =ing to convince Br Remington of his Evills or that we might call in the

    help of councill, in order therto we mett Decemb 2: 1674 also whether matters

    might be

    [23] I.e., “ultimate,” or the last verse of Ezek. 48.