244 Thomas Hollis to Benjamin Colman
London Feb. 2, 1721/22
Mr. Benj. Colman
Deare Sir
I am glad to see by the Boston prints from time to time and by several letters received in answer to some of mine that all my adventures and letters sent to Boston 1721 are wel arived and received blessed be God.
I have your letter dated Sept. 6 advising Mr. Pym had received a letter from my Cousin Williams with 2 chests of Arms, and also one from Mr. Tresurer J. White dated Sep. 19 mentioning the receipt of mine that he had spoken to Mr. Pym about them, that his bodily indisposition had hindred him making full answer to my letters but he hoped to doe it before it be long. This is his last to me. I received your letter dated Sept. 16 by Mr. Jonathan Barnard and a book of Sermons which I have read and like very wel and given it to Mr. J. Williams for him and his children to read over, and we give you thanks for it. I invited Mr. Barnard to my house, he came and dined with me and we had agreable conversation. He exprest his liking to our Pastor Mr. Hunts preaching on which I told him if he pleased to attend and have Comunion with our Church while he staied in London, he might freely sett downe with us upon Mr. Colmans testimony, but I doe not Remember I have seen him since.
John Williams received a letter from Mr. Tyler dated xber 12 which I read acquainting he had received the moneys of John Pym for Arms he had sold him—which lay reddy to pay your Tresurer—as also did his own money for the Nales I sent him Sept. 30, 1720, When it shal be regularly called for.
I have also a letter from Gilbert and Cradock dated xber 12 acquainting that they had received my goods by Janverin in safety and had accepted my draft on them for payment thereof, and adds that the moneys lay ready to pay the first Bill, when your Treasurer pleased to receive it, but desires a little more patience for the second bill, which was then also due, and desires me to hint so much to you or to Mr. President. The present stop of busines they tell me is the cause thereof, which you must be better acquainted with on the Spot then me at such a distance, but they hope to pay that—and this by Janverin also in a little time—which I shall be glad to heare of when done. [2] I have been uneasy for some Months to be without an account, which I so earnestly recomended, and to know what moneys entred for me in 1721 but now I see the reason of that delay, by three letters received from your good self together 3 days since of various dates one begins November 10, 16, xber 12, another November 22 xber 12, the last xber 21. We are grieved to heare of the sore distemper the smal Pox raging so long among you and that now it has gone through your Citty it spreads to your neiboring Towns and Villages. We should rejoyce to heare that Men do bethink themselves and their ways and turn their feet to Gods Testimonies. Consider Christs comandment to love one another and follow the things that make for Peace in your Churches and in your State. Cittys or Societys divided among themselvs can’t stand. Oh that this afliction may be sanctified and abated. We doe Pitty you and pray for you, the good God heare all our prayers, return to you in Mercy, spare the remainder and revive you, and oh that your last works as a People or as Churches may equal or exeed your fore fathers.
We are glad to heare of the Compassion of your Select men to the Poor in the present distres, and particularly the good old Samaritan you mentioned that seeks daily objects of necessity and releivs them. God will notice it and we comend them and Him in so good a work. I have lamented the Sicknes and Death of your Tresurer Mr. J. White1 a Gentleman and a Christian. I had promised myself a good corespondent with during my life relating to the furtherance of my devoted Trusts but he is no more of our World and I now congratulate you and the rest of the Corporation in your new choice of a Successor2 which I am well pleased to heare of, beleiving by the report of him he is very suitable in it, as doing service to Christ in his Members which will be owned and turn to good account in that Day. Pray give my Christian Salutations to him, and I pray God Speed him in his office. I supose my letters sent last Yeare to his Predecessor will of course come before him, if he have time, and please to read them over, and give me the answers needful, I shal be greatly obliged to him, that I may see how my accounts stand in your College books, what receipts and payments 1721 and a calculation how much more I must [3] send to make good my purpose, if you please to let him know so much. And that he desire either Mr. Tyler or Mr. Cradock and Gilbert which he thinks will make best payments to send me their orders for such a summe, upon the terms of former contracts. Unles He himself be in busines and be inclined to foregoe his Commissions for service to the College and to incourage a good work—should think fitt to send me his orders on the like terms, I should like it much better—because if God spare my life I would gladly perfect my design with my own hand.
I am glad to find by yours that Mr. Wiggelsworth3 is in Comunion with the Church under the pastoral care of Mr. Sewall and Mr. Prince, which your former letter omitted to inform me of.
I am glad to see you confirm to me what Col. Taylor told me my moneys might be let out on mortgages and securitys to be duely Registred at six percent Interest to raise my donations annually in the College for Professor and Students, and I confirm to your new Tresurer the orders I have formerly given on that head. My letter to you with Mr. Harris book dated Sept. 6 was caried by my self to the Coffe house and put into the going bag at the bar in my sight as is the constant method—but cant be possitive in the name. I am sorry it should be so chargable.
I was not aprised any answer was needful to Mr. Secretary Willards letter directly to him. I doe now send him one and hope he will excuse the delay. I doe heartily condole your and the Corporations loss in the death of Mr. Joseph Stephens,4 and pray God to supply and make up the losse in one capacity and another that he stood in.
I have examined my coppy which I keep of my rules and orders sent you about my Professor in your College and find your remark is true, article 9 which is a fault, and therefore I have eraced College and writ Corporation in the place, and beg of you to do so for me by my order in my original sent unto you, that one paper may agree with the other.
My Cousin Neale has given me 3 sermons and 2 books about the Smal Pox from you, for which I thank you.
I have received a packet from Mr. Paul Dudley5 of Roxbury qt.6 printed papers of your last college disputations and an obliging letter—he is a stranger to me but I have returned him my thanks for it in a letter, least I should be thought negligent, by him, as I was by Mr. Willard.
I have now by me Dr. Owens last volum—newly printed—and two volums qt. Miltons works—the new Edition—I design to send over for the College library by first convenient oportunity.7 If they have [4] such like alreddy, then they are at your service to dispose of or keep. My Cousin Neale did hint to you and I now second it that you should doe well to send over to him and to some others a printed Catalogue of your College library that they may know what books you have and it is now a likely time for you to be supplied with many, that you may want, by one hand and another. My donations to the College having made more discorse about it then formerly in London I would have wisht to have been less knowne, onely quiet my mind, in that possibly hereby some others may be moved to like good worke for your advantage.
I have had hints, but not fully informed my self, that the late Doctor Williams8 did design and leave by his Will directions to settle a Professor of Mathematicks in your College but as that Will is now in chancery, I know not the succes, possibly you are alredy informed of or may be by the Reverend Mr. Evans his Successor who is a good man and one of the Trustees.
Your several letters having variety of things here and there in them to answer, has made me write a number of incoherent Paragrafs a little confused, but the occasion will excuse. I shall now close and forbeare mentioning some things, which possibly your answer to my last long papers will give me fresh occasion to write again.
I pray God to keep you and the surviving Gentlemen of your Corporation and College in health and Peace and make you growing Blessings to the rising Generation.
My humble service to Mr. President and all the Gentlemen
Your very Loving Freind and servant
Thomas Hollis
[Endorsed:] No. 9, received April 15, 1722.
Hollis Letters and Papers, p. 27.