144 Draft of a Letter from Increase Mather to Governor Dudley

    [Boston, February 20 1704/05]


    I very much desire the favour of some discourse with you about the Colledge. Your honourable Father1 was the first that signed a charter for that Society, which in those days when that was no King in England was [authority?] enough. But if your Excellency shall be influential in obtaining a Royal Charter for that Society and such an one as shall be suitable to our circumstances, your [progeny?] to come will have cause to honour your memory.

    A Late Learned writer (Itterus) has published a Booke de Gradibus Acad.2 in which hee shows that none but sovereign states may give such degrees. Considering the Kind offer which has bin made to us from England I am doubtful whether it will not be imputed as a fault in the governour to countenance the naming of such degrees without the Queen’s approbation, or your [. . .] which empowering to give degrees untill her Majestys pleasure shall be further known. So it was in my Lord B’s Time, which is that which some men can not now endure to hear of. There are severall important things relating to this Affair. Which as sub sigillo I would willingly acquaint your Excellency with and could be glad I might do it before you mention anything to the Assembly about the Colledge. For which cause the design of these lines is to pray your Excellency to appoint me a time and place where I may wait on you. I commend you to God, and Remayn

    Your Excellencys humble servant

    College Papers, i. 37 (No. 83). The context of the letter indicates that it must be addressed to Governor Joseph Dudley; it is in Mather’s hand.