220 John Leverett to John White

    [Cambridge, December 14 1720]

    Mr. White


    This morning Mr. Bordman tells me that It was said in the Honourable House of Representatives That the Praesident had not given the Scholars above three Expositions in the Hall for a twelve moneth, and that one of the Fellows had said he would give his Oath of it. I pray Sir do me the Justice as to declare in my Name that the Assertion is positively false, and demand of the Gentleman that said one of the fellows would give his Oath to the Truth thereof that he should Tell which of the Fellows is disposed to be foresworn, to swear to a falshood. Such an One is not fit to have any thing to do in the College. If it be the mind of the College that I should be starved out of their service, It is but leting me know their mind, I will not put that house to Exercise that Cruelty. I am


    Your humble Servant

    J. Leverett.

    [Addressed:] To Mr. John White These in Boston.

    College Papers, i. 53 (No. 115). This letter is printed in Quincy, History, i. 542 (App. LII). Quincy identifies Leverett’s accuser in the House as Paul Dudley (A.B. 1690). On December 6 and 16 Leverett addressed letters to Timothy Lyndall, Speaker of the House; these are printed in Quincy, op. cit.,1. 541–542 (App. LI) and 1. 543–544 (App. LIII). Copies are in College Papers, No. 128–129.