174 President Leverett to Treasurer White

    Cambrige, September 5, 1716


    Mr. Brattle Spake to me last night about Mr. Nathaniel Newgat’s1 donation and after Looking into his brother’s accounts [. . .] though he found no Reason for the alteration of £5 into £4 yet he found that the alteration began in the year 1695. (In Colonel Shrimpton’s day.) He desired me to consult the College Records which I have don this Morning and can find no light there, nor any footstep of the Corporations acting or directing in that Matter.

    I should be glad if you have not the clause of Mr. John Glovers Will by you, you would take that which refers to the College out of the Registers office.2 The first notice taken of it that I find in our Book is after an account of the College Stock dated 1668. If you have the clause aforesaid favour me with a copy of it by the bearer.

    Mr. Tappan last night was with me and shew’d me the Letter of Attourney Executed to send to Colonel Partridge, which is full. He tells me all that Colonel Partridge sent for, are allready in England.

    I design’d to have waited on Madam Partridge today, but I find no occasion upon Mr. Tappan’s opening the matters to me. And he tells me the Ship sails this week, which obliges me to improve this day to write my Letters that they may be ready. The bearer stays for this, and I can’t add any more but

    Your humble bervant

    J. Leverett.

    [Addressed:] To Mr. John White, Treasurer of Harvard College, Boston.

    College Papers, i. 46 (No. 101). William Brattle had succeeded his brother, Thomas, as Treasurer in 1713.