243 Cotton Mather to Peter Thacher and John Webb

    [ca. January 10 1721/22]

    The Corporation of the Colledge going so far in settling the affair of the Hollisian professor without asking more advice of the Overseers in general, and of some elder Divines among us, who might have been thought good Advisers, in particular, seems to have gone too far, and to have done what may be for no very good precedent, and it may not be amiss to declare some Dissatisfaction at it.

    But, inasmuch as our very great obligations to Mr. Hollis for his goodness in this, and his other Bounties are always to be acknowledged; and utmost care is to be taken that we give him not the least umbrage to count us insensible of his Favourable Aspect.

    Inasmuch also, as a professor of Theology may prove a Blessing to the Colledge;

    And abundance of Good Work is provided for him;

    And there is provision made that for the future the designation of the person fall under the cognisance of the Overseers; and inasmuch as the matter is yett capable of a further Deliberation and cultivation;

    Why may we not, so far Acquiesce in what is proposed as only to desire that there be from time to time a Committee at least of the Overseers and Corporation to examine the Qualifications of the Candidate for the professorship, as well those prescribed by Mr. Hollis, as what may also be further judged necessary to recommend him unto the services of Religion in our Churches.

    Sic Censeo

    Resp[ondit] Academicar[um] alioquem

    pro[rsus] Ignarus et

    Academiâ extorris


    C. Mather

    To my Brethren, Mr. Thacher and Mr. Web.

    Mather ms, Houghton Library. This was enclosed with the preceding letter to Thomas Prince. Peter Thacher (A.B. 1696) and John Webb (A.B. 1708) were joint ministers of the New North Church, Boston. The rules for the Hollis Professor of Divinity were at this time being drawn up.