147 Court Order Respecting Pennoyer Charities

    March the 7th 1706 Part of an Order on hearing

    Att the Rolls

    Attorney Generall

    Master of the Rolls


    Crispe [et al?]

    about Pennoyer’s Charities

    And as for his Majestys Lands &c. lett to Robert Moore his Will was that out of the proffitts thereof £10 per Annum should be paid for ever to the Corporation for propogating of the Gospell in new England and that with the residue thereof two Fellows and two Schollars for ever should be brought up in Cambridge Colledge in New England of which he desired one of them as often as occasion should present might be of the line of Robert Pennoyer if they should be capable of it and the other of the Collony called Newhaven Collony and declared his mind to be that about 8 Years was a convenient time for Education of Each Schollar and about that standing others to be taken in their places but as to time he left it to the Masters and Governours of the said Colledge.

    [On reverse:] Received from our Benefactor, Mr. Thomas Hollis of London, March 6, 1727. Benjamin Colman.

    Lands Miscellaneous, ii. 32. Accompanying this is an extract from Pennoyer’s Will (1670) and a note (1773) about his gift. William Pennoyer, London merchant, died in 1670; for an account of his benefaction see Robert W. Lovett, “The Pennoyer Scholarship at Harvard,” Harvard Library Bulletin (1950), iv. 213–238.