138 Letter from William Blathwayt to Increase Mather

    Whitehall, 1 June, 1704


    I find by your Letter of the 4th December that some others you designed for Europe have miscarried which is no unusual thing in time of War but this which I received from Colonel Hobby1 making mention of Harvard Colledge shows that the Difficulties that have hitherto hindred the Settlement of a Charter are now removed or were at least formed without your knowledge or Consent since the only Obstruction to the passing of it was Sir Henry Ashurst’s refusing to allow of a Clause for a Visitation by the King or his Governor. Now if this be what you desire and think reasonable ’tis pity the obtaining such a Charter should meet with any further stop for the Removall of which I think some motion should be made by the Governor who cannot but be ready to promote so good a Work. On my Part nothing shall be wanting to forward it and I beleive you may rely upon its’ passing with all Expedition on these terms.

    I am


    Your Most Humble Servant

    Wm. Blathwayt

    Mr. Mather

    College Papers, i. 36 (No. 79). RC; noted at top: “Dupl[icate]”. Enclosed with No. 139. William Blathwayt was one of the Lords of Trade and much concerned with New England commercial affairs. Mather had written to him about the College before; see Morison, Seventeenth Century, ii. 516, 549, n. 2. For reply see No. 146.