158B Increase Mather to Sir William Ashurst

    [Boston January 19 1709/10]


    In my Last I acquainted you that the Representatives of this province designed to give you the trouble of presenting an Address to the Queen from the General Assembly here. You will pardon the presumption considering that it proceeded from the Love and honor they have for you. But D[udley] has prevented that trouble having Negatived that Vote of the Assembly.

    Some years ago you wrote of a moyety out of Mr. Boyle’s Legacy1 to be disposed of by the President and Fellows of Harvard Colledge. It is disputed whether it was intended that the Corporation should improve the money for the education of some to preach to the Natives, or only determin which of those that are employed in that service should have the benefit of that Legacy. The Colledge has not as yet received anything. And now that Society is in other kind of hands than it was when the Corporation in London ordered that Legacy for them. D. has put in a Lawyer to be the President, who is his creature. And the professors of the same stamp. They have now no charter, but what is of D’s making so that they are not a Corporation in Law. This I thought it needfull to inform you of, that so you may consider whether it may be meet to put any thing into their hands as things are now circumstanced by [means?] of D. There is no hope of having the Colledge settled on a Legal foundation as long as D. is Governour. He appointed Mr. Leverett (whom he has made president) to be an Inspector over some Indians without the concurrence of your Commissioners here, and demands a salary for him, which we have refused to gratify him in. And I do not think that He deservs a peny. Not long since L[everett] told me that He would write to London about it, hoping that you would order your Commissioners here to do as [. . .] D. would have them. It seemed necessary for me to acquaint you with this Affair also. I shall not further trouble at present, but commending you to the grace of Christ, I remain, Sir

    Yours to serve

    I. Mather

    [Addressed:] To the honorable Sir William Ashurst in London.

    [Endorsed:] Dr. Mathers Letter Jan. 19 1709/10, answered. Relating to Mr. Boyle’s Legacy to the Colledge.

    Increase Mather Papers.