226 John White to John Leverett

    Roxbury June 10th, 1721


    I was Indisposed on my bed when Mr. Fissenden brought me your Letter of this Date. And in answer, return the following short account of the unparalleled unceasing Munificence and Donations of the incomparable Mr. Hollis to the College.

    His first Donation which came to Messrs Gilbert and

    Craddock is

    £ 300:00:00

    His second which came to Mr. Tyler is

    665: 5: 6

    His third, which came also to Mr. Tyler and arrived this Spring, is the nett Produce of 11 Casks of Nails, amounting by Invoice to £58.12. 6 Sterling at 200 p. Cent which may probably be when charges are deducted

    171: :

    His fourth Donation, that is now come to Messrs Gilbert and Craddock is £500 Sterl. for which I have their Bills given to Mr. Hollis, to Pay me in six months

    1450: :

    The whole

    £2586: 5: 6

    And the Present of Books is not to be forgotten, The value whereof is better known to you than me.

    I am pleased the Generall Court are about to render their Thanks to Mr. Hollis, Such a profuse Beneficence dos doubtless demand it, from the whole Province.

    You (I doubt not) Acquaint them, that all is appropriated, and that the College is not in any measure the more enabled to support its necessary Charges, although Learning in It may be thereby advanced.

    I Desire Your thoughts and Consideration, and to Consult with Such as You shall think proper how this last great Donation may be improved in some other more stable and certain method than by Letting it to interest, by vesting it, in some reall and profitable Estate, which the generous Donor intimates to be his Desire if it may be. I shall take care in a short time to Gratify Mr. Fissenden if there is no Draught like soon to be made on the College Account. I purpose (If I have health) to wait on you at Cambridge, some time the next week. In the Interim, and alwaies, I am Sir Your humble Servant

    John White

    [Addressed:] To the Honorable John Leverett Esq. President of Harvard College in Cambridge per Ebenezer Fissenden.

    Hollis Letters and Papers, p. 15.