134 Plat of 40 Acres in Newton


    Upon comparing this Plot with itself, I find it so unexact that I think it not proper to enter it upon the Book till it shall be examined upon the Spot. E. Holyoke.

    To annex to the Plot the Vote of the Corporation Letting it to Mr. Hubbard. Lib. 4, p. 23.


    lying in Newtown.

    Elder Champnys 40 acres

    now the Colidge the lins ar

    a b c d e f [Natick] Road

    f m n from the Road to the River

    n h the River

    h i k Littel Feld

    k l Mr. Cook

    l a the squadron line at the head of the lots

    f y n m comon land four acres

    surveid by David Fiske anno 1704.

    [Endorsed:] Platt of 40 Acres of land in Newton that was Elder Reverend Champney’s. The plot of the Coledg land; paid the Surveyor 12s.

    Lands Miscellaneous, i. 24. For reference to Richard Champney’s Will (1669) and to lease to Nathaniel Hubbard see CSM Publications, xv. 267; see also No. 168 following.