20 Andover’s Reply in Regard to a Contribution for the College

    [Andover, November 21 1653]

    Honored Sir

    Upon the note I received from your selfe and the rest of the Comittee for the Colledge I called our Inhabitants together, and acquainted them therewith, who well approved of the care of the Court for the advancement of Learning and are willing to be helpefull according to their ability; but by reason our Towne is very small consisting of about 20 poore familyes (few wherof have corne for their owne neceseity) they found themselves unable to give any considerable sum to the use aforesaid. Yet to shew their willingnes to forward so good a worke they have generally agreed to give a pecke of wheat this year for the least family, others two, some a bushell, what it will exactly come to I cannot yet tell. We hope God will enable us to doe the like hereafter, or to agree upon a certeyn somme for the whole as wee shall finde may best sute the occasion of the Colledge and our abilityes. So I rest.

    Your Worships servant to command

    Daniel Poore


    [Addressed:] To the worshipfull Mr. Increas Nowell at Charlestowne this present.

    Corporation Papers. Printed in Morison, Seventeenth Century, i. 28, and in Margery S. Foster, “Out of Smalle Beginnings . . .”, pp. 90–91.