176 Henry Newman to Treasurer White

    Middle Temple 11 February 1716/7


    In obedience to your order of the 6th of November last, I have paid to Mr. John Lloyd the Ballance of the Colledge money received by me on Account of Mr. Penoyer’s Legacy since Mr. Edmonds dy’d according to the Account herewith enclosed Vizt £3.7s.10½d. The mony that was due for a Year ending in September last will not be paid till about a Month or 6 Weeks hence, the reason of which is that the Steward in the Country who receives the rents of Mr. Penoyer’s Estate in Norfolk does not receive them, til sometime after Michaelmas, and then it is sometime after that, before he makes up his Annual Accounts with the Treasurer of Christs Hospital, who receives and pays in some reasonable time after that, the Charitable Legacys out of the profitts. That Hospital having the greatest Legacy left to them, are appointed by a Decree in Chancery to be Trustees for the other Legatees since the Estate has suffered by the ill Management of former Trustees.

    The Legacys left by Mr. Penoyer to charitable uses were £194.13s.4d per anum, but the produce of the Estate for the year ending Michaelmas 1715 amounted to £155.16s.8d So that our Colledge Share which was Originally £22 then came up to £17.12s which is more than it has done for some Years past, and being now under good Management, ’tis hoped may every year mend.

    The Reverend Mr. President Leveret, and Mr. William Brattle will account to you for the articles I Charge them with.

    I have also herewith sent the account of my Disbursements in recovering Mr. Hopkins’s Legacy &c, which should have been sent over sooner, but the length of it, and one Accident or other has obliged me to delay it. I have submitted the whole account to be audited by Mr. Dummer and Mr. Gunstone1 under Treasurer of the Indian Corporation, who were very often if not for the most part Eye Witnesses of the Expences in the lesser articles, that the Colledge might not have my word only to vouch for these Articles, for which I could have no receipt. I beleive you will find by the other accounts of Charges if they have been sent over to you that the burthen of Treats at Taverns, and coffeehouses and coachhire lay upon me, because it was upon my Notices generally that the party’s concern’d were convened, and after the Relators found that the money was like to be taken out of their hands and sent to New England they thought it not reasonable that they should be put to any of those charges, which yet were absolutely necessary to bring the matter to an Issue, as all that have anything to do in Chancery or Westminster hall know. I congratulate you that it is now in your hands in away of being improv’d effectually for the purpose it was given. And though the late Lord Chancellor Harcourt was pleased to say that he would as soon consent to throwing the money into the Thames as to remitting it over to he did not know who in New England to be spent in Eating and Drinking, I wish only that all Charitys here were as well managed as what is in Your hands.

    I have enclosed a Copy of my last, and refer you for News to our Dear friend Mr. Belcher who carrys this to you. My Duty to the Corporation and be assured I am


    Your most humble Servant

    Henry Newman

    [The following is in a different hand, perhaps Newman’s.]

    Dear Sir

    An Article of 10 shillings for two Copies of the Decree in Chancery in the account of Disbursments on recovery of Mr. Hopkins’s Legacy was omitted in that account before it was closed, so if you please to remember, it shall be carry’d to the next account. One of these Copies was sent to N. England and the other is kept here against there should be occasion.

    Mr. Belcher sets out this day for Plimouth with his Sister Noyse &c. I [am owed?] [. . .]2

    [Endorsed:] ans’d. Sept. 7th 1717.

    [Directed:] bottom of p. 1: Mr. White.

    Lands Miscellaneous, ii. 34. RC.