330 Thomas Hollis to Edward Wigglesworth

    London February 10, 1725/6

    Mr. Wigglesworth


    I have received yours dated 23 October and am well pleased to heare you all go well forward in your College affaires, and that you consult to make one another easy in your Religious affaires—and domestick also, by adding to the sallaries of Professor and Tutors. I still want to know how liberall the Assembly are to Mr. President.

    I am meditating yet some farther donations to your College as you are setled on a foundation I call congregational discipline and supported by them—and as such—the onely one I know of in the World. I should rejoyce to see you flourish in all the Sciences and have able Professors and Tutors among you well supported.

    I shall now send you a few more books—also a font of Types Greek and Hebrew for your College use, of which you will understand more by Mr. President and Mr. Tresurer. May your labours and my donations and procurements from others for you be accepted and made usefull.

    My love to you and all freinds

    Your very loving freind

    Thomas Hollis

    Hollis-Leverett mss, Houghton Library.