454 Timothy Cutler to ________

    [Boston November 15, 1738]


    I am considerably further in arrears with you for the pains you have taken to satisfy my Request; and you have fully done it. Before I had your Letter, I enclosed your account in a Letter of my own to the Reverend Mr. Nicols, wherein I added some few Remarks which I tho’t might be further enlightening of a stranger to our Constitution; but as yours gives additional Light, I presume to enclose That also; whereby He will see the obligations you have laid on Him, as well as on


    Your most thankful and obedient servant

    Timo. Cutler

    Narragansett Farm Papers, p. 7; on back of No. 446. We have met with Timothy Cuder, Episcopal Minister in Boston, before. He is probably addressing President Holyoke.