374 President Wadsworth to Joshua Moody

    Cambridge, Oct. 2, 1730.

    Honored Sir

    I received a Letter dated Aug. 10 from you, Mr. Cutter &c. by Mr. Mountfort, with an inclosed draught of Merricaneag Necke. I thank you and the other Gentlemen for your good service to the College. The Corporation voted the paying of nine pounds to Mr. Mountfort, to reward the Gentlemen for the trouble they were at in the College service. I should be glad if you would all be watchfull for the College interest, and inform me from time to time about anything that might promote it. The Corporation have petitioned the General Court, to have Merricaneag Neck and a 1000 Acres adjacent granted to the College Feb. 7 1682/3 bounded out to us, I hope our Petition will be granted before long. If any should in the mean time pretend to lay out any of the Lands thus granted to the College, I should be glad if you would advise them to desist, telling them the Right the College has by the Court’s Grant. Your Honored Father

    263 formerly was empowered by a Letter of Attorney, to take care of the College Rights in Merricaneag; if you can find anything he did whereby the College Right was so long agoe asserted or acknowledged, pray let me know it. If any should pretend to make strip or wast on the Lands granted to the College, pray advise them to forbear, telling them the Right which the College has there.

    Yours to serve, Benja. Wadsworth.

    My service to your Mother, and all Friends. To Joshua Moodey Esq. at Falmouth, Casco-Bay.

    A true Copy. B.W.

    Merricaneag Neck Papers.