447 Francis Willett to Henry Flynt

    N. Kingstown January 22, 1738


    I have here inclosed Mr. Cleavlands Lease, which he has signed; but did not Sett off the land, neither, did I see the Necessity of putting you to that charge, for he proposes to extend south both ends of a wedth according to the east and west bounds mentioned in the lease, untill it makes up the sixty Acres; besides he will fence no faster then he improves and if it be thought needfull it may be don after, for I went twice befor I could finish it; He has made some improvment by plowing and setting two stacks of hay next to his own land; Mr. Cleavland desired me to put you in mind that by the Agreement you was to pay for the Aple trees which is not inserted in the lease; upon my viewing the land I make no doubt but he will improve the thirty acres togather adjoyning to him it being the most sutable land for tillage. I am with all due Respects Sir yours to serve

    Francis Willett

    P.S. There a poor man desires to know whether you would suffer him to build a small house and Eve on the rest of the Land without charge to you.

    [Addressed:] To Henry Flint Esq. att Cambridge to be left with Edward Hutchinson Esq., Boston.

    Narragansett Farm Papers, p. 7.