279 Thomas Hollis to Benjamin Colman

    London August 15 1723

    Mr. Benja. Colman

    Deare Sir.

    I have received your letter and packet dated May 15 by Mr. Barnard and also yours of June 7 by Mr. Greenwood and delivered the books to one another presently as you had marked them, and I thank you for those apointed me. I received also one letter from you dated May 5, while I was on visit at Feversham or Sandwich in Kent.

    Your Governour Shute was last week at my house. I comunicated to him what you desired of me and talkt many things of the College Tutors and Fellows in all which we agreed, and about Dr. Cutler &c. K. George and the Secretaries of State are at Hanover, and nothing like to be done in your Governours petition till after the Kings return, so that the Governor cant go hence to you till about April, 1724. Mr. Penhallow is now about returning unto you I supose by Capt. Osborn. At his arival he will be able to acquaint you largely by word of mouth.

    I am glad my Box of Orders are come safe to the College without breaking the glas, and wel received by Mr. President. And it will be their prudence to observe them, who shal have the administration of them. I have now received from Mr. Tresurer a draft of a College Obligation to perform my Trusts. I shal return it again with some very little alteration; I think the Corporation need not be so scrupulous and fearful of me in coming into such a deed, I mean them no harme, no difficulty. In my present Will I leave my Wife Executrix and my beloved Brother John Hollis Marchant, Trustee, for what I do in your College, and I add if you behave in this Trust, to his good liking, he is in a capacity of adding there unto, but If I should survive him, my present thought is of appointing my Nepheu Thomas Hollis Trustee, son of my Brother Nathaniel. I mention this to ease the thought of any timoros Mind. I am glad to see by Mr. Presidents letter of June 7 to me that he was better, and his indisposition wearing off. I think to drop my motion of an aniversary Dinner for my Students &c. for the reasons your Feare suggests.

    I have received the Memorial from Dr. Cotton Mather and summoned about 20 Ministers of the 3 denominations to meet the 20th August at Pinnars hall and shal lay the papers before them, for their consideration, but I add to you pray excuse me of any the like commission for the future.

    In answer to Mr. Wadsworths fears of the words in your designed deed or shall hereafter direct, if you think meet, may be left out, to please him. Since my orders are now signed and sealed with you, keep but honestly to them, and I shall be pleased, not having any design at present to alter them, unles I see some very great reason for it. I would have you to make things easy to your selves, as wel as to please me, and at your convenience pray read what I write to Mr. President and to Mr. Treasurer. I do not desire to Bind and Oblige any man blindfold, my desire to you Sir is to see this one thing finisht, which I so often desired, and you as often promist, which wil prevent my being so troblesome to you for the Future. I have written a letter also to Mr. President, with whom at leisure you may compare notes. Pray intreat my Professor, when he writes again to me to write in a larger character, fitt for an old man to read, or else he may forbeare writing. My Love to you and yours, and all our good freinds.

    Your Loving Freind

    Thomas Hollis

    PS August 21

    The ship has staied some dayes longer then expected, which has given me opportunity to write to Dr. Cotton Mather some breif hints of what past yesterday at our meeting of the united Ministers. I laid all his 4 memorialls before them—they were read—and some little debates was had on them, till Dr. Callamy

    59 moved a Committee should attend your Governor and consult him. Six were chosen, to confer with him at my house next Munday, and then report the Conference to the whole, the Munday following.

    [Endorsed:] No. 21.

    Hollis Letters and Papers, p. 40. Parts of this letter are quoted in Quincy, History, i. 262.