294 Thomas Hollis to Benjamin Colman

    [London March 18 1723/24]

    Reverend Sir

    I have written so many letters and so largely to you and other my freinds this spring by Osborn and Lethered, that I have little new to advise you of, saving that Dr. Perkins

    81 did on 14 March deliver me your letter dated August 2, and dined with me. He told me his busines in England, and seems as much at at loss how to proceed as Mr. Penhallow was. I directed him the way I thought fitt for his enquiry in town, but he is resolved to go first into Northamtonshire, to the Land, and see what he can learn there. I wish it may be with the desired Success.

    Mr. Pemberton the bearer hereof, is so fully and intimately acquainted with Governour Shute and the affairs of Boston &c. he can relate it viva voce to you, much better then I can write. The Governour lately had an audience of the King in forme to present your Indian Belt of Wampom, and favorably received. Dr. Cook attends our meeting to heare Mr. Hunt; I spake to him last Lords day. He looks soure, as if was not minded to be intimate with me, nor shall I hence forward much court it. Some people think what ever be the issue, he will be weary of his Embassie before it be over. I shall be glad the Governor may return to you with Honour, tho he leave the Doctor behind him, but of these things nothing is yet certaine, time will shewe. My sincere respects to all the Gentlemen of Harvard Colledg and all our good freinds in Boston.

    Your Loving Friend

    Thomas Hollis

    [Addressed:] For the Reverend Mr. Benjamin Colman in Boston, N. E. By Capt. Barlow.

    [Endorsed:] No. 27.

    Hollis Letters and Papers, p. 48.