407 President Wadsworth’s Statement on Hopkins Scholars

    Cambridge in New England May 16, 1733

    These may certify all whom it may concern, that agreably to the Decree of Chauncery March 19, 1712 refering to Edward Hopkins Esquire’s Legacy to the College and School in Cambridge in New England; the Corporation of said College on April 3, 1727 chose three Bachelours of Art and one Master of Art, to recieve three fourths of the incomes of said Legacy; and the same day, the said Corporation with the Minister of Cambridge, chose five Boys to be taught gratis at the Grammar School in Cambridge by vertue whereof, the Master of the said School for the time being, is intitled to one fourth part of the Incomes of the above mentioned Legacy. This chusing of Bachelours at the College, and Boys in the School to be on Esq. Hopkins’s foundation, has been constantly practiced every year since An. 1727. The Bachelours have performed the Theological Exercises appointed by the Corporation; the Corporation also have yearly visited the School, as the decree of Chauncery directs. And at the close of each year, I have certifyed the Trustees of Esq. Hopkins’s Legacy, of the Performances of the Bachelours by which they became intitled to their part of the Incomes of the Legacy; and also of visiting the School, whereby the Schoolmaster became intitled to his part; and I think upon my giving such notifications, the money has allways been readily and truly paid to the Bachelours and, for I never heard the least complaint to the contrary.

    Benjamin Wadsworth

    President of Harvard

    College in Cambridge in New


    “A true copy”

    College Papers, 1. 79 (No. 165).