325 Thomas Hollis to Edward Wigglesworth

    London August 10, 1725

    Reverend Sir

    I have received your kind letter dated 26 May, under Cover of Mr. Treasurer E[dward] H[utchinson] and give you thanks for it. I am pleased in what I did do, and so much the rather since I find it is an ease to your mind, in my repealing or Suspending of the Quinquennial Election, although I cant yet see it any way bettering of my first institutions. Since that, Mr. Colmans letter is come to hand, informing me that Mr. Wadsworth

    155 has accepted the Presidents chaire, I have written to him declaring my Satisfaction, and congratulating him on his new honour. I hope you Sir in perticular will have a good freindly companion, and that he will have a due Care and Oversight of that useful Seminary for Gods glory, and benefit of Church and State. I have lately sent a few useful books, I hope safe arived ere now, and shal send herewith a few more, miscelania Sacra, 2 Vol. are supposed to be written by my Lord Barrington.
    156 But when an Author conceales his own name, it is likely to give offence like as your library keeper has now done (to my greif) in fixing the very worthy Dr Averys name in his supplement
    157 to the occasional papers, seeing he the Doctor has not thought fit to own them; though I wish others think he has no need to be ashamed of them.

    What you mention of my explaining my orders about duplicates that I have or may send to your College library, I have done it by a former letter agreable to your present advice, to Mr. Colman. May your Studies and labours be attended with wished for succes in one Capacity or other is the sincere desire of

    Deare Sir

    Your very Loving freind

    Thomas Hollis

    [Addressed:] For the Reverend Mr. Edward Wigglesworth, Divinity Professor in Harvard College, Cambridge.

    Hollis-Leverett mss, Houghton Library.