283 Thomas Hollis to Benjamin Colman

    London September 5, 1723

    Reverend Sir

    My last letter to you I think is August 26 by Capt. Walker, same day I received by Mr. Allen yours dated July 6, also a packet of books and letters, which are all delivered as you marked them, the rest of your Election Sermons,63 to Ministers of the 3 denominations, who mett together at my house yesterday to consider of your Memorialls, that were sent me by Doctor Cotton Mather, and your Governour did us the honour of his company. The substance of our consultations I have written to Dr. C. M. of this date, to which I referr, having desired him, as I now desire you, to compare letters, to ease my pen of Repetition.

    I received a letter from Mr. Flint with a memorial inclosed from the Overseers of Harvard College about their negativing Mr. Wigglesworth and I have writ him an answer by Capt. Clark to comunicate to the Bord on proper ocasion.64 I desire you to read that letter also.

    I have seriously considred your letter dated July 6 and shewn it to Mr. D. Neale, and he read what he thought proper to divers Ministers, who with my brother John Hollis and myself are greatly concerned at the contents, the most melancolly account of your affairs that we have ever received from N. E., far worse then the small pox—that was the hand of God, who is mercifull—but your party divisions are driving you into the hands of Men, whose Resentments you will find cruell.

    There now seems to us but one way left to save your Charter and your libertys, if there be any wise men among you that can timely and coolly consider of it. Your Nation have Enemies in London and at Court that greatly aggrevate your Faults, and would Rejoyce in the ruines of your Civill and Religious libertys, and say some of your actions are High Treason, and already charge you with practises like 41.

    If your present house of Representatives would so far humble themselvs as to make an Act disowning and disannulling what their Predecessors have acted irregularly and illegally against the King and his Government, beg the Kings pardon for the past, and promise to act more regularly for the future, it is possible they might save their Charter, or the most valluable branches thereof, but scarcely without a Submission of that nature. If you can do it, you are sure of your Governour, to use all the interest he can to preserve it and do all the good offices he can for your country, and readily forgive what is done against himself.

    Your Freinds at London love you for Christs sake and his Gospel which is profest among you, they pitty you, they can but hint at what to them seems needfull, and it is your People must Act for themselvs, or we cant save you. How grievous is it, to my Soul to look forwards while I am thus writing (perhaps what you or some others may think needles melancolly thoughts) I will therefore break off abruptly and not add more, but tenders of my sincere love and affection to all my Christian freinds.

    Deare Sir

    Your Loving Friend


    Thomas Hollis

    I heard your letter to the Governor read over, but did not say anything to him what you wrote to me. You mention to the Governor and to me of a College addres to the King for a new Charter65 to which we answer he nor I have not received or seen any such paper. If you sent it to Mr. Dummer perhaps he might not think it worth while to trouble the King with it, and drop it himself without acquainting one or other of us.

    [Endorsed:] No. 23.

    Hollis Letters and Papers, p. 42.