435 Deed of Sale by College of Rowley Land

    [April 19 1736]

    To all People to whom these presents shall come Benjamin Wadsworth, Henry Flynt, Joseph Sewal, Edward Wigglesworth, Nathaniel Appleton, Nathan Prince and Edward Hutchinson President and Fellows of Harvard Colledge in Cambridge in the County of Middlesex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England send Greeting. Whereas the Reverend Mr. Ezekiel Rogers late of Rowley in the County of Essex in the Province aforesaid Clerk deceased in and by his last Will and Testament bearing date the seventeenth day of Aprill Anno Domini 1660, did give and bequeath his housing and sundry parcels of Lands and Commonages in Rowley aforesaid to Harvard Colledge in Cambridge aforesaid: And upon applycation made by the President and Fellows of said Colledge to the great and general Court at their session at Boston Anno 1733 said Great and General Court were pleased 13 February 1733, to impower said President and Fellows to make sale of said lands given as aforesaid … For and in consideration of the sum of four hundred pounds … paid … by Thomas Lambert of Rowley … do … sell … a parcel of upland and Marsh in Rowley aforesaid, being all that part of Warehouse pasture which belonged to said Mr. Rogers deceased, about fifteen acres more or less, bounded Westerly on Mr. Broadstreet292 and the creek, Easterly on the River called Warehouse River and the Ship Yard and Northerly on said Thomas Lambert Esq. a highway to the Ship Yard runing through part of it…. In Wittness whereof we have hereunto set our hands, and caused the Seal of said College to be affixed the ninteenth day of Aprill in the Ninth Year of his Majesties Reign Annoque Domini 1736.

    Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of us.

    Benjamin Wadsworth, President

    Henry Flynt


    Stephen Sewall

    Joseph Sewal

    Oliver Peabody

    Edward Wigglesworth

    Nathl. Appleton

    Nathan Prince

    Edwd. Hutchinson

    Middlesex Ss Camb [ridge] 19th Aprill, 1736.

    The Reverend Messrs. Benjamin Wadsworth, Henry Flynt, Joseph Sewal, Edward Wigglesworth, Nathaniel Appleton, Nathan Prince and Edward Hutchinson aforementioned personally appearing acknowledged the afore written instrument to be their free act and deed.

    Before Andrew Bordman Justice of the peace

    Rowley Lands Papers. This is an example of one of the deeds; copy of at least one other is in the collection. Three dots indicate omission of legal phraseology common to such documents. Lambert did not complete the transaction and later sued the College for possession of this part of the warehouse pasture.