355 Benjamin Wadsworth and Others to Hopkins Trustees

    Cambr[idge] Sept. 6, 1727

    Honoured Sir

    According to the direction of the Honourable Trustees of Edward Hopkins Esq. his Legacy at their meeting May 4, 1727, the President and Fellows of Harvard College and the Minister of Cambridge met May 12, 1727, and chose Christopher Bridge232 and Thomas Tufts,233 two School Boys in Cambridge School to recieve the benefit of Esq. Hopkins Legacy, together with the five Boys formerly chosen and accepted. On Jun. 20, 1727, the President and Fellows of Harvard College and Minister of Cambridge, went to the School in Cambridge, to visit the School and examine those seven Boys. One of the seven was detained at home by sickness, the other sixe were put upon reading, construing, parsing, answering questions in the Grammar Latin and Greek according to their age and standing; and their performances were such as gave satis faction to the visitors. We therefore move that Mr. Samuel Danforth234 present Schoolmaster in Cambridge, may recieve of the Incomes of Esq. Hopkins Legacy according to the decree of chuncery refering to that matter.

    Your Humble Servants

    B. W. President

    of Harvard College

    H. Flynt



    Nathl. Appleton

    Minister of Cambridge

    To the Honourable Col.

    Edward Hutchinson

    Esq. to be communicated to the Honourable

    Trustees of Hopkinton a true copy.

    College Papers, 1. 74 (No. 154). In President Wadsworth’s handwriting. The legacy of Edward Hopkins has been the subject of earlier documents; it provided awards to students and teacher of Cambridge Grammar School, as well as to Harvard students.