290 Thomas Hollis to Edward Wigglesworth

    London Feb. 18, 1723/[4]

    Mr. Edw. Wigglesworth


    I have received your letter of November 16 by Capt. Osborn, and one from Mr. President with account of 5 new Students on my Exhibitions. They seem to me all well recomended and promising, and therefore I submit to your choice, and have writ him word I approve of them. The reasons you give for your choise, I also approve in the general but am not willing at present, to alter my standing orders, to make a general rule to contradict them, if any suitable objects though young should be in nomination, as also to observe whether by this method, some may not design, when entered a while then to ease themselves of their burden, and load my Gift. You observe truely, that my design is to incourage such as are designed for the Ministry, and no others willingly, and in the whole of the choice I must see with your Eyes who are proper Objects to Receive and Continue, or who to Reject and Dismiss.

    I send you a few books in a box to Mr. Tresurer—one quarto—of the Divine right of Church government, omitted last yeare, if the Library have it alreddy you may keep it. 2 Volums of Dr. Gale’s Sermons75 for the College if they please to accept them, may stand by his Volum of letters. Some small books are directed for you, if you please to accept them.

    I hope your next letter may inform me that you are Confirmed in the choise made of you, to be Fellow of the Corporation, and espetially you being a Resident, and above an ordinary Tutor, and that you have a voluntary addition from the Corporation to my Sallary, according to your approved Meritts, which I flatter my self with hopes you will continue to deserve.

    I have received Mr. Colmans letter dated xber 26, and Mr. Presidents of January 6, both by Capt. Barlow, informing me of their proceedings and 3 votes relating to my Professor. I write now to them both with my approbation and thanks for their good Will.

    May it please our good God to continue to smile on your labours and give you acceptance with men, that the work of the Lord may prosper in your hands, is the sinsere wish of


    Your very Loving friend

    Thomas Hollis

    In the box now sent you are several newspapers, sermons, and some little books useful to some people; you may peruse, and keep what you like, and give away the rest, where they may be acceptable. T H

    Hollis-Leverett mss, Houghton Library.