10 | To Lord Barrington

    Boston August 23. 1760

    My Lord

    In the Cover with this I inclose a duplicate of a letter I sent, soon after the time of its date, by the Ship Brittannia Capt. Dashwood

    94 bound from this port to London:
    95 since which business has gone on extreamly well. What passed between the Assembly & me will appear from the following papers, which I take the liberty to enclose. To these I have only to add that the Assembly made the usual Grants viz £975 Sterling for the Salary of the current Year (of which near a quarter was spent) & £225 sterling for the Charges of Removal. This was done with a uncommon unanimity; and this bill passed both houses & received the Assent in one day.

    On the 14th Capt. Stott of the Scarbrough brought to me Dispatches from England that came in the Vengeance Man of War: among these was a letter from your Lordship to Genl. Amherst

    97 & another to Col. Amherst
    98 they were immediately dispatched for Albany: the Messenger that carried them is returned & brings advice
    99 that on the 7th. inst Col. Amherst went from Oswego with the Vanguard; on the 10th Genl. Amherst with the main body; & on ye 11th Brig Gage
    100 with the rear: The Numbers were not ascertained. Also that on the 11th Col. Haviland
    101 went down lake Champlan with 3000 Regulars & 2500 provincials. It is apprehended they will meet with Opposition at the Isle des Noix

    This day a Sloop arrived from Quebeck, which she left on the 26th of July: the Master

    102 brings advice that on the 13th Genl. Murray
    103 sailed up the River with 2500 regulars & left 1000 in Garison more in Quebec that about the 23[rd] a Schooner arrived with an Account that two forts had fired up on his fleet & killed an Officer & 5 or 6 men: and that the forts were afterwards abandoned: that he had met with no other opposition, the People in general submitting & giving up their Arms. He adds that he met the two Regiments from Louisburg at the Iles de Coudre:
    104 they had been at sea 3 Weeks.

    From all these we expect very intresting advises Soon: and I hope I shall have occasion to congratulate your Lordship before I seal this letter. We wish we could with as great probality

    105 flatter our selves with seeing Capt. Barrington,
    106 who we understand is arrived at Louisburg.

    I am my Lord your Lordships &c

    Rt. honble L Visct. Barrington

    L, LbC BP, 1: 275-276.