94 | From Jeffery Amherst

    New York, 14th: March 1762.


    I Have Just now the favor of Your Letter of the 6th. March; and, at the Sametime that I beg leave to Return You My thanks for the Early notice You have Sent me of the proceedings of Your Assembly, on the King’s Requisition, and I cannot forbear Expressing my Disapprobation of the whole of their Conduct, since they have, not only Come far short of His Majesty’s Demands, but Seem Determined to make Such Stipulations, as can only Serve to Clog the Service, and which I can by no means approve of; I am very Sensible You have left nothing undone in Your power to Induce them to a full Compliance with His Majesty’s Requisition; And I am very Sorry Your Endeavors had not the Desired Effect. For my own part, I am astonished they Should be so blind to their own Interests, as well as wanting in Duty to the King, to be so backward in Contributing to a measure which tends so much to the future Security and happiness.__

    Your Intention of giving Orders to Inlist None but Such as are known in the Country, if they can be procured, will be Attended with very good Effects; And, I am apt to think, those men when they Return from the Campaign, will be of much more Service to the Country than before.__

    As to the Destination of the Troops I can Say Nothing thereon, untill I am honored with His Majesty’s Commands, which I Expect daily; And You shall have Immediate Notice thereof: In the meantime all Diligence should be Used to have them ready, as the Season Advances fast, when their Service will be necessary.__

    I Need not Repeat to You the necessity of Influencing the Assembly to Comply with the King’s Orders, in relation to the Recruiting the Regular Corps. The Earl of Egremont’s Letter,

    426 with mine on the Same Subject,
    427 are so full, that I can add nothing more, than to Request that a due Obedience may be paid to the King’s Commands in Every particular, as it certainly is the indispensable Duty of His Subjects to Exert themselves in promoting Such measures as His Majesty may be graciously pleased to Direct, for the Honor of His Crown, and the good of His Kingdoms in General.__

    I am, with great Regard, Sir, Your most Obedient, Humble Servant.

    Jeff: Amherst.

    His Excellency Governor Bernard.

    LS, RC BP, 9: 259-262.