120 | To Jeffery Amherst

    Boston May 25. 1762


    Mr Goldthwait is returned from Springfield where he has been to muster the Men & pay them the bounty of the province allowance towards there billeting: he has made me a return of 1695 non com & private men musterd there, who are all marched on to Albany. From whence It appears that, as our Number was actually levied to a man, so there is a great probability that it will be found very little deficient in the Camp: at present there does not appear to be wanting 20 men of the whole.

    The Men were very uneasy that they were not paid the Kings billeting at Springfield, but were quieted by being assured that will certainly be paid at Albany. I must strongly recommend that Care be taken that they may be paid there ^or soon after^: for disappointments of this kind not only create a present uneasiness, but hurt the Service by the complaints they make when they return home.

    I am, with great regard, Sr Your most obedient & most humble Servant

    Fra Bernard.

    On the other side is my estimate of the Musters.

    P.S. I have just received advice that the last party of Hoars Regiment is got safe to Halifax. I have a return of exactly 1000 men besides commissioned Officers.

    ALS, RC WO 34/26, f 142.