101 | To Robert Monckton

    Boston April 16. 1762


    Mr Benedict Aquart a Gentleman of Martineco arrived at this Province in October last in a Vessell of his own, commissioned by the Governor of Martineco for transporting prisoners of War to this Port & brought with him, among others several masters of Ships belonging to this & the neighbouring provinces.

    444 But the Investing that Island being then expected & soon after taking place He was neither permitted to nor could he return till the fate of Martineco was determined. which happily ending in the subjection of that Island to the English Government, He hath required & hath obtained of me a passport to render himself there to take the benefit of the favourable Terms granted to the peaseable Inhabitants of that Island. And in regard that the said Mr. Aquart hath as well by his contributing to the return of several useful subjects of this Country as by Assisting others who have been taken by the Enemy by letters of credit & by other acts of benevolence given proofs of his humane disposition & particular regards to the English Nation I cannot excuse myself recommending him to your considertation as a Gentleman well intitled to the first favours which the Governor of Martineco shall have occasion to confer on his Majesty’s New Subjects now made such by this important Acquisition; on which I beg leave most heartily to Congratulate you. I am

    Sr. Your &c

    His Excy Genl. Monckton

    445 or the Govr. or Comr. in chief of Martineco.

    L, LbC BP, 2: 141-142.