8 | From Lord Barrington

    Cavendish Square 3d June 1760.

    Dear Sir

    I am favour’d by two Letters of your’s One dated the 18th of February the other the 19th of April,81 and I am happy to find that you are pleas’d with the Exchange of Governments. The paper you enclose shews plainly how well the people of Jersey are pleas’d with your administration; I make no doubt of your being as much lik’d at Boston. Your conduct in both governments will make it a pleasing and an easy task to sollicit one better than either, when ever ^any^ such shall be vacant, and agreable to You. I am also very happy to find that Mrs Bernard likes America so well; I beg you will present my best Compliments to her together with my assurances of regard, and desire of contributing to whatever may be useful and agreable to her & her family. You have heard before this time that the Estate in Derbyshire is sold. Mrs Porter’s share I have put into the four per Cent Annuities of this Year with her approbation.82 Her income will be a little increas’d by the Exchange.

    All your friends here are well, and extremly happy to find that you are settled so much to your satisfaction. They all send the most affectionate Compliments to you and Mrs Bernard. Major Genl Barrington’s Eye mends apace, but his Constitution has not recover’d the shock of a West Indian Climate, so as to serve abroad this Campaign. He is going to Scotland, where he is to serve under Lord George Beauclerck,83 who commands in Chief in that Country.

    I assure you, without flattery that my Godson is a very fine Boy:84 I have it from good hands that he is one of the best Scholars in Westminster School. I have never heard you say to what profession he is destin’d. If your Inclinations and his are for the Army I will endeavour to procure him a Commission before the War is over. I am with the greatest truth & regard

    Dear Sir Your most faithful & most obedient Servant


    His Excellency Francis Bernard Esqr Governor of New England.

    ALS, RC BP, 9: 107-110.