209 | To Jeffery Amherst

    Boston May 18. 1763.


    I have received yours of the 8th inst, signifying that you had order’d the Provincials at Crown Point & Halifax to be dismissed on the 1st of July.780 These Men were listed to serve only to the 1st of May. If they can be prevailed upon to serve 2 months longer, I dont apprehend that the extraordinary expence will be much grudged; as it must be supposed to be necessary to his Majesty’s Service by your ordering it. As for the small party at the Castle, It was impracticable to keep them beyond their day.

    I am, with great regard, Sr Your most obedient humble Servant

    Fra. Bernard

    His Excelly Sr Jeffry Amherst

    ALS, RC WO 34/26, f 235.