173 | To John Stevens

    Castle William. Nov: 8 1762


    By a letter I sent you by Mr Pratt,649 I inform’d you of the arrival of my Son at Boston, whom I had before expected by way of New York. There has been such extraordinary treatment of him by Captn Chambers650 with whom he embarked that I cannot pass it by. The Case is this. A Gentleman in London engaged a bed in the Cabbin for my Son, & paid Capt: Chambers on his own demand £25 Sterling for it. When my Son came on board, He was put in the Steerage, under pretence there was no room in the Cabbin altho when the place was taken he engaged for the Cabbin. Whilst he lay in the Steerage, he had Shirts & other goods to the Value of 3 or 4 pounds stolen from him. This was told to Capt: Chambers: but nothing was done for recovering them. When the Fleet stopt at Madeira, some Gentlemen bound to Boston, being informed how my Son was used on board his Ship, invited him to theirs, in which he arrived at Boston. Capt: Chambers let him go on board, without offering to return any part of the money he recieved for his passage, or to make any satisfaction for his loss.

    I must therefore desire you would speak with Capt: Chambers, & ask him whether this ^is or^ is not a true state of the Case, & whether he does or does not intend to make any satisfaction for this treatment of my Son. Upon his Answer will depend my further Proceeding. I am &c

    J Stevens Esqr:

    PS. I must defer writing to you on another subject to a further time.651

    L, LbC BP, 2: 285-286.