221 | To Jeffery Amherst

    Castle William June 11 1763


    I am favoured with yours of the 5th inst. I am very sorry that any words in my letter concerning the Men at Halifax829 should give offence: I meant only to express my apprehension of the inconveniences, which will follow Col Forsters detaining the Men; & if I have done it to feelingly, the obligation I am under to take the best care of my provincials will I hope excuse me.

    If I had foreseen that the Men would have been wanted beyond the first of May, I could have got the establishment extended for a month or two. But at the time you signify your intention to continue the Men beyond their day, it was impossible for me to do any thing towards it, but to promise to use my endeavours to reconcile the assembly to the expence, if the Men could be prevailed upon to stay.

    My best Services are due to the King; and they have never been wanting: but they must be limited by my power. I therefore hope that neither my inability to prevent these inconveniencies nor my concern at their happening will in the least abate the regards, with which I have hitherto been honoured by you. I am, with great regard,

    Sr Your most obedient and most humble Servant

    Fra Bernard

    His Excellency Sr Jeffry Amherst.

    ALS, RC WO 34/26, f 238.