129 | From Jonathan Belcher

    Halifax 30th: June 1762516


    Altho’ I have not been enabled fully to Answer Your Excellency’s Letters 3d: of April and 17th: instant517 for want of perfect informations in some of the essential points for the Consideration of this Government, yet I did not delay to propose to the general Assembly, what respected the western limits of this Province, as Your Excellency will find by the date in the Copy of the Votes of both Houses inclosed, in result of their deliberations, upon the resolutions of your Government, for Settling these Boundaries, laid before them by the inclosed Message from me.

    The difficulty does not seem to rest, upon settling the denomination of the River St: Croix, so much as upon the Authority of this Government, to settle any Boundaries of this Province, more especially as the Limits of Acadia must remain for the express determination of his Majesty, nor can this Government with propriety proceed to the decision of any territories so immediately belonging to his Majesty.

    I would offer it to Your Excellency’s consideration whether the Proviso in the 11th: Page of the printed Charter of the Massachusetts Government, relating to the Granting away Lands in Sagadohoc territory, does not seem to interfere with, and throw difficulties in the way of settling those Lands, and of adjusting the Limits between the two Provinces.518

    Mr. Secretary Oliver having signified to me,519 his desire of some Explanation of the Grant by this Government of the Island of Great Menan, I am to apprise Your Excellency, that it was judged to be within the Limits of this Province, and was accordingly granted by the late Governor of this Province,520 to certain persons who afterwards forfeited their Rights, by failure in performance of the Conditions. A promise has since been made to others on Condition of their Arrival and Settling in a certain time, but they have likewise failed, and I shall now desist from any further prosecution of that design, until his Majesty’s Pleasure relating to the limits of the two Provinces shall be known. I submit it to Your Excellency, Whether it may not be advisable, for both Governments to forbear making any Grants upon the Borders that maybe disputable, til the bounds shall be legally adjudged. Upon receipt of your Excellency’s Letter, by and in favor of Mr: Freeman, owner of the Schooner Peggy a Transport in his Majesty’s Service, I sent to the Collector of the Customs, who assured me, that measures would be taken agreeable to your Excellency’s intentions, that he might not incurr any disadvantage, for want of a Clearance upon those special Circumstances of his Case stated in Your Excellency’s Letter. I have the honor to be with great respect, Sir, Your Excellency’s most humble and most Obedient Servant__521

    Jonathn: Belcher

    L, Copy Prov. Sec. Letterbooks, 1: 359-360.