22 | To William Bollan

    Boston Jan. 12. 1761


    I received your letters of the 25th. of Septr. the first of Novr. & the 3rd of Novr. on the two days immediately preceding this.128

    I am much obliged to you for your congratulation on my Arrival at this Government: the trouble which ordinarily belongs to business I Chearfully encounter; that which arises from unnecessary dissention I regret, but still submit to it; of the latter I flatter myself I shall know very little as I hope, I myself shall afford no cause for it. I am much obliged to Mr. Wilbraham129 for his kind remembrance of me: I set a high Value on his friendship in England, & should be sorry to be thought forgetful of it in America. I have always had it in my intentions to write to him; but, he knows, as well as any may how much the most urgent business is preferred to that mostre agreeable, but less pressing.

    I return you my thanks for so readily engaging for the Expence of my patent; The Gentleman who gives me leave to trouble him with my Affairs in England is Levet Blackborne Esqr. in Great Marlborough street. He has lately vested some money of mine in the consolidated Annuities;130 part of which will be readily drawn out for this purpose: Mr. Child & Co.131 were concerned in it. I shall write to Mr. Blackborne, but I cant do it before the Vessel, that is to Carry this, sails. In the mean time the business itself, or at least this letter will be a sufficient introduction to him.

    My Case in regard to fees, is singularly hard: my former Government was worth about £800 a year and this seems to be not above £1100: & I shall have paid treble fees within 3 Years, to the amount of upwards of £1200.132 I suppose there is no redress for this; if there is I should be glad to know how to obtain it.

    I apprehend there may be some things unsettled in regard to my former Commission, relating to the dues from the wardrobe & Jewell Office, Mr. Secretary Pownal, who was so kind as to take care of those Affairs can let you know whether there is anything of that kind left undone; if there is, one Solicitation will do for both. Govr. Boone informed me, that his friends, upon his succeeding me, compounded with the wardrobe & Jewell Office for £130. I should be glad to have this done for me; for as these Expences come on so fast, I shall want Money more than plate or Damask. If I can get money Also for these dues on my former commission, they both will go far toward the present Expence. If any difficulty should attend this Composition, Mr. Pownall can easily engage Lord Barrington to intervene in my favor, as there is so fresh a precedent for my request,

    The Present Kings Picture I have promised to the Council Chamber, where I have already hung up his grandfather & great grandfather,133 But I would not recommend hast in this business; for the more time is given to the Painter, the better we may expect the Picture will be,

    I shall write to Mr. Pownal by this Vessel what shall be further necessary to be added to this Subject & must desire you to consult him.134 I have taken care of the dispatches to the other Governments & sent them all away except three which must wait here for shipping.

    I am Sr. Your most &c

    W. Bollan Esqr.135

    L, LbC BP, 1: 286-288.

    On taking up the governorship of New Jersey, FB was obliged to pay the Jewel Office and Wardrobe £212 for communion vestments, table, plate and altar cloth, and bibles and common prayer books with their silk and gold trimmings, and decoration for the chapel furniture; on moving to Massachusetts he spent a further £138 on these items. (The Jewel Office and Wardrobe were originally of the lower part of the royal household, and by the eighteenth century were administered by the Lord Chamberlain.) Lord Chamberlain’s Department: Accounts and Miscellanea, 1483-1901, LC 9, PRO: Bill Books for the Great Wardrobe, 10 October 1756-10 October 1759, Comptroller of the Accounts of the Treasurer of the Chamber Bill Books, 1729-1782, LC 9/17; Quarterly Accounts, Michaelmas 1755-25 October 1760, Great Wardrobe Records, Series I and II, 1483-1800, LC 9/19; Accounts and Receipt Book, October 1728-March 1767, Jewell Office Delivery Books, Accounts Etc., 1660-1796, LC 9/48.