members of such a church as lyeth under publike offence, do
not consent to the offence of the church, but in due sort
beare witnesse agt it, they are still to be recd to wonted
communion: For it is not equall that the innocent should
suffer wth the offensive. Yea furthermore, if such innocent
members after due wayting in the use of all good meanes
for the healing of the offence of their owne church, shall at
last (wth the allowance of the counsell of other neighbor=
churches) wthdraw from the fellowship of their owne church,
and offer themselves to the fellowship of another, we judge
it lawfull for the other church to receive them (being
otherwise fit) as if they had bene orderly dismissed to them
from their owne church. (a) Gal.2.11 to 14.
A 4th way of communion of churches is by way of
pticipacion. The members of one church occasionally comming
to another, we willingly admit them to ptake wth us at
the Lords table, it being the Seale of or communion, not
only wth cht, nor onely wth the members of or owne
church, but also wth all the churches of the Saints. In wch
regard we refuse not to baptise their children presented
to us, if either their owne minister be absent; or such a
fruit of holy fellowship be desired wth us. In like case
such churches as are furnished wth more ministers then
one do willingly affoard one of their owne ministers to
supply the place of an absent or sicke minister of another
church, for a needful season.
A 5th way of church communion is by way of Recommendacion,
when a member of our church hath occasion to reside in
another church, if but for a season, we commend him to their
watch full fellowshipp by Lers of Recommendacion. But if he
be called to settle his abode there, we comitt him according
to his desire to the fellowshippe of their covenant by Lers
of dismission.