mutuall Edification, and of their posterity, that thay
may not be cut of from the priviledges of ye covenant
Otherwise, if a beleever offend, he remaynes destitute of
the remedye provided in that behalf math.18.15,16,17 [?]
should all beleevers neglect this duty of joyning
a pticular church, it might follow thereupon that
cht should have no visible=politicall churches up[on]
earth. (a) Act.2.27. & 9.26. (b) math.3.13,14, 15. (c)
mth.28.19,20. (*) Psal.87.7. & 133.3 (d) math.18.20. Rev.2 [cut off]
(e) 1 Joh.1.3. (f) Psal.119. last. 1 Pet.2.25.
¶ Chapt. 5 of the first subject of church power,
or to whom church power doth
first belong.
The first subject of church power is either Supream[e]
or subordinate & ministeriall. The supreame by
way of gift from the father is the Lord Jesus Cht
The ministeriall is either extraordinary as Ap[o]
stles, Prophets, Evangelists(b), or ordinary as the
pticular congregationall church(c). (a) math.28 [cut off]
Rev.1.7. Isai.9.6. (b) Joh.20.21,23. 1 Cor. 14.32. Tit.1.5
(c) 1 Cor.5.12.
Ordinary church power is either ye power of
office, that is, such as is proper to the Eldership(a)
or power of priviledge, such as belongs unto the
brotherhood. This latter is in the brethren formally
& immediatly from cht, that is, so as it may according
to order be acted & exercised immediatly by them
selves(b). The former is not in them forma[lly]
or immediatly, & therefore cannot be acted or
exercised immediatly by them(c), but is sayed to
be in them in that they designe the psons unt[o]